crazr wrote...
echoeagle3 wrote...
crazr wrote...
echoeagle3 wrote...
You should be happy, I remember you now. And I remember I stopped talking to you because of your superior high horse sounding attitude when you had nothing to warrant it.
I hate people that think they are better then others
Oi, seriously... Calm down. Remember how we traded stories and you ripped mine apart as well? I can quote all the things you disliked about my story to this day with how vocal you were. Even so, I didn't get upset at you once. I took your opinion and that was it. I'm just asking for you to do the same. I don't know why you take what I say with such hostility when that's not my intention and you have the option not to. C'mon, Echs... you see it, don't you? You're being a bit hypocritical...
I have no problem trading criticisms with others. What I dont like is superior attitudes. While that may not be your intention, to me you sound like you are looking down on me.
Echs, I've told you many times that I'm a blunt person. Many times! I say what's on my mind and it pisses people off! I never mean to do it, it just happens. I told you this multiple times throughout Skype so that you'd be ready for it, lol. I want you to know that I don't look down on you. Think about it, would I bother even speaking to you if I found you my inferior?
Im blunt, people say im blunt, but no one has told me I sound like I think better then them.