mibuchiha wrote...
Dedication is out. Ditto absolution. Benediction too.
Grace feels off, but I can't pin down why. And consecration, the meaning goes well I think, but holy damn that does sound friggin' arcane. Somehow it'd feel off, since the language of TSK is overall plain?
Wait, thinking more about the meaning, consecration is sorta off too. It feels a little too authoritarian, which isn't what I want to convey through the Trials. Grace suddenly feels like it'd fit better, but...
Earth's Grace vs. Earth's Blessing (and Fire etc)
Hard to decide which sounds better.
I like Earth's Grace. When I think of Earth magic, I think of earthquakes and things involving huge, cumbersome boulders, so using a word like grace is going against that expectation. When I hear it, I'll instantly be intrigued.
Edit: Besides, I'm not d! (or insert any other fancy Fakku Writers: Jerry, Xnine...) I live totally in the realm of plain men!
You know, it makes it a lot harder to impress people when you say stuff like that.