mibuchiha wrote...
Maholix wrote...
mibuchiha wrote...
Maholix wrote...
mibuchiha wrote...
I agree (at least I sure hope it's true!) but the feeling that you're making those who are kind enough to follow you as the work is being crafted wait so long is not too good.
Yeah, I know that feeling.. since you write you'll know what I mean when I say this though. What's worse is when your somewhere where you want to write but can't. Like say work.. and the whole time, your getting all these ideas.. as if your pages are begging to be written. But by the time you get the chance, the flow is gone and your like "Now, I know I coulda done better than that!" lol
Aha exactly. I totally understand. The ideas seem to be so well sewn together when you imagine it, but somehow expressed in words it doesn't spring up right.
lol, yeah! Or it comes out way shorter than you thought and your like "wait.. that's all there was to it?"
Or maybe "Hmm. It certainly seemed way awesomer back then..."
And you wonder what went wrong. So tough.
Totally. My biggest issue I think is getting what I see in my head out. Like, I know it's weird, but I watch people a lot. I notice the way this person pushes their glasses up or the way this person's hair is finer than someone else's. Sometimes I sit and think "man, what would it be like if I could just walk up to each person in this room and ask them one question each?"
People do little things every day that set them apart from each other, and yet, make them so oddly the same too.. it's fascinating. So when I envision the people in my stories, that's what I see. Little things.. that make them alive. Real.
But when I write it out, it seems so.. watered down in a sense. They come to life yes, but not as much as they were in my head. And I think.. do I add more detail? Less? Let it come to me? Or make it up on the spot to fill this sudden gap?
Before I know it, they seem rigid and I dunno what to do with them.. yet in my head, it's like the creation is still thriving and I'm stuck in the sub-text, unsure what to write. lol