SneeakyAsian wrote...
[color=#993300]Pity there are no mountains here. I live by water, so maybe I can get some beach photos. No underwater photos though (yet). Looks like I'll be doing a lot of close ups.
What's you're favorite terrain?
Well, it's hard to say really. I mean, so many things have a sense of beauty. It's why you can find pics of old cottages and such on the same site you can find mountains or rivers. If I had to choose though, I'm partial to things like trees or other plants.
View of beaches and such would be just as welcome though. It's not like they are hard to find, but there are rather fewer of those than anything else, especially on this thread. It's not intentional mind you, I guess it's just the main focus is greenery since the setting of this thread is mostly forest.
We do have a beach here in the haven though that as yet hasn't gotten a lot of focus. So it would be rather nice to see more water pics and the like as well. Basically, just post whatever.. I'd welcome just about anything. ^^