Maholix wrote...
That game sounds right up my alley. I play sandbox and builder games a lot. I have terrira, starbound, and minecraft to name a few. Recently I played an MC modpack called "crash landing." The premise is basically the same.
In crash landing, you start on a world with mostly just sand and whatever your pod held. You have to finish quests and find water fast, or else you die.. and as it's a hardcore map, if you die to have to start all over.
theres not much building tho.
As Requested: A Long Dark Run, explained in pictures.
The game allways starts with a nice Quote. some frop people, I got the opening passage of Walden and part of I Am Legend.
well, thats not too encouraging...
This is where I started. seems like kind of a one-way Situation hee, but I'm on a road, which is nice, so, we just follow it for now.
I spawned next to a huge lake, but the Map Description warned me of thin ice, so I'm not taking any risks here.
Found an abandonned car. Trunk is locked so thats a miss for now, but I found a soda in the glovebox, which is nice.
following the road and taking in some Narnar.
my stats and options for now. Stats looking okay, but that will soon change.
found a fishing camp, or as I call it "loot chutes". (altho theres rarely anything good in it)
found a lot of clothes and used the time to take the useless ones apart to get stuff to repair my good clothes (found a sewing kit, as well. Lucky me!)
A Corpse. a sign of whats to come. and some loot to boot (a knife and some fishing stuff. useful for now. spent a few hours fishing, but it doesnt really work out yet since you use up more energy fishing than the fishes bring you
A Bullet. Might save y life (if I had a rifle)
and suddently its night. and night is dark as balls here.
but the night sky is pretty.
A Howl and two geen glowing dots approaching. A Fucking wolf and shits getting serious. Luckily I have a Flare with me which (according to the description) is loud enough to scare off wildlife.
It scared off the wolf but for how long?
turns out, not too long. I et a wolf (this wolf?) again a few steps along the way. Flares still burning and the wolf ran off again (luckily)
Found a House just around the corner (whew) using it to spend the night
almost a day survived. Its around 6 am and the house is still completely dark, but I found a ton of food (but no stove...)
but guess who wished me a good morning?
Wolfie suprised and almost IMMEADIATELY jumped me after leaving the house. Guy almost killed me but I managed to fend him off. But at waht cost? I'm bleeding, almost dead and I need rest immeadeately!
Used the logging trailer next to the night house for foraging and resting half a day.
More beautiful Night Sky Nature! Still wandering to find more stuff (and a stove to cook some rabbit meat I found)
and suddently, Fog. This picture and the last one are 20 seconds apart! Weather changes fast out here.
and it started to storm. I took a nice nap next to a campfire and wake up to this. No visibility, its cold as balls and well. Wind all over the place
Think I found something to navigate by, but its just a tiny island with nothing on it. Pressing on since I'm freezing... Will need a house or at least a wind protected area soon!
okay, now we're really up shitcreek without a paddle. I have no Idea where I came from, where I am and where the thin ice ends.
This will end one way or the other. Either I freeze to deth or I fall through the Ice and die.
welp, Ice it was.
almost 2 days survived. thats not much, tbh.