Incoherent Babbling


Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …
RZ Commissions hello all. this my first post on this site ! woohoo what i need to know is how can I commission something to get translated. I NEED to have KANSHO by Kira Hiroyoshi tranlated. Haven't bee…


Last thing that scared you I couldn't get something out of my head that had scared me before and somehow I thought of this thread. Sorry if its been made or its dumb and all that. The last thing that scared me, and…
Oh CGF You so funni, NO. This is a overused joke. Go commit sudoku.
What I built 2 GreenZero wrote...Is it all mined by hand, no cheats? Started a new world on …
So I adventured into CTFG for a bit. Was it always that gay? I tend to avoid the shit so I am unaware of how gay it usually is.
Pokemon X and GTA 5 Lost more than 40 hours on that crap. Jesus. Also. Ayakashi Ghost Guild is a thing.
Magic: The Gathering Thumbnail
Magic: The Gathering Out of randomness I was offered a large amount of Magic: The Gathering playing cards, I don't really know how to play nor have I ever really gotten into it. but I accepted anyways, because I might dow…
Coupons for Steam games here! Volgarr the Viking (good til Nov 16) Shadow Warrior (good til Nov 4) kengenerals Who wants em? Post here if you do, I'll PM you with my Steam then.…
So which of you guys would watch this show? if it was real. i probably would. and then scan ex for doujins of it.
lol pissed off newfag Thumbnail
lol pissed off newfag Oops, I think I hurt someone's feelings.
Test Thumbnail
Test Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3.
Bounce Bounce [youtube]*?[/youtube]
Yesterday... It was a good day. Cute girl who remembered me from high school gave me her number, even though I barely remembered her. /blog
Yandere HO!
Tommy Vercetti!!! Thumbnail
Tommy Vercetti!!! What u guys think of him?
So in recent news ... Father gets butthurt because his son football team gets blown out 91-0. Call it bullying and is trying to sue file a complaint http://www.huffpos…
Anyone Norwegian out there? Thumbnail
Anyone Norwegian out there? Assume that the number is pretty low but would be interested to know!
Do I ,,, Have a heart??? This manga for some reason made me feel really uneasy. Like I was actually.. showing compassion for the main character.. For good re…
OK..... Shaft is fucking with us. =Monogatari S2 bds. WARNING....IF YOU GET BUTTHURT ON SPOILS THEN FUCK OFF. Left is bd rips, right is tv rips. Spo…