Incoherent Babbling


Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …
RZ Commissions hello all. this my first post on this site ! woohoo what i need to know is how can I commission something to get translated. I NEED to have KANSHO by Kira Hiroyoshi tranlated. Haven't bee…


how much? how much foo would a foo fighter fight if a foo fighter could fight foo? :shock:
oh, it's good to be back... hey everybody! i've missed you all so much! sorry i've been gone, but I got the flu, then it turned to pneumonia... and today, i finally feel like a working human being. thank god too.…
Found a way to get yandere girls Can't wait to try it out.
Doujins I know. I thought I could upload but it looks like I am gonna have to share links with I have found in my doujin collection. so feel free to check them out give me your thoughts on them. NARUHODO:…
Who's Nail I never got an answer... Who's Nail on Skype?
What I built I went with Sneakys advice before I made previous thread I had a light house there but scrapped it because it looked shitty what I have now is also a light house bu…
rip to the lost users my best fakku friend is dead, so is my fakku girlfriend... thx jake for being a fucking retard with no human resource management skills at all. i deserve some rewards for still sticking ar…
Lolipop I'm eating a lolipop right now.... Call my baby lollipop Tell you…
4chan fag What happened to 4chan? It's not cool as it used to be, everybody just keeps posting "you laff you russ", "beta/cringe" threads, it's like all the coolfags moved to vietnam. r u srs …
To Foreground That is one cool way to die.
bby dks playa ppl i ddnt knw whn th se humanity
[ Poll ] AVEC QUE? Who, and how. Spill it.
FAKKU War Thread Thumbnail
FAKKU War Thread First of all, I know that there is already a thread like this but I think it is already inactive so I made a new one and also this is for the general. All battl…
Rule 34'd. I Stay up all night without knowing and noticed its just 6am now and I ended up accidentally making rule 34 happen. There is now Vita X Fate hentai on internet. Yeah, lack of it annoys me.…
Nuclear reactors We're good at them
k gais I'll be gone again for a while until I feel the need to waste more of my life on this site, but I've found some new skype contacts for now, some rare ones even... See ya'll later~
Something to past the time. It was 4:03 in the morning and I woke up screaming. It was my dream. In my dream, I watched everyone I ever knew or loved be killed by the creature. It had a short fat b…