Here comes the cavalry

I spend my weekend on Mount and Blade, leading a group of Hussars, this is sorta relevant
Oh yeah, while we're on the topic of service rifles, there's speculation that the French MAY be adopting the Italian ARX-160. They've been talking about switching out the FAMAS for quite a while, doing test trials with some well received rifles like AR-15 variants, FN SCARs and so forth. Reasons for such is that in past years, the French contracted Beretta to perform an overhaul of their currently serving FAMAS rifles.
As such, you could assume they would maintain business with them by choosing their ARX-100 rifles for the contract. Still, I'm not convinced. Commercial ARX rifles have shown some flaws already and when you've got players like the 416 and SCAR in the game, the only real advantage to this is money. . . I guess in that respect, they've got a fighting chance.
And from service rifles to the French, there was news of the death of General Paul Tellie. A French cadet officer during 1940, he served some time in North Africa until the end of WWII where after some education in engineering and business maneuvering, he began to design the works of what would later become the FAMAS assault rifle. So scratch another WWII veteran and firearms designer, he follows behind Mikhail Kalashnikov who also died almost a whole year ago.
EDIT: I am also to understand that it is been 1 whole year since I joined(I know, been so long). . . .