Old - Jenkins wrote...
Who's your favorite pair ?
Before anybody asks, I'm not asking it in (fictional) sexual or (fictional) romantic term. I'd rather hear ones formed by their combined strengths, chemistry, status/position, their appearances, or etc.
Screw your non-sexual thingy. Illusionary Border Team team all the way, baby! Who doesn't like Reimu/Yukari pair? Seductive 'onee-sama' type with tsundere armpit miko everyday everynight everywhere.
(。ಠ†¿†¿à² 。)
Khorinthian wrote...
(Also, I'm back)
Still need a help for posting those games on the thread? I finally got around and already played those by now.
TetraMint wrote...
so hey (~o 3o)~
I would like to join the club..
Favorite Characters:
Kazami Yuuka, Shizuha Aki, Kanako Yasaka, Mima, Hoshiguma Yuugi, Yakumo Yukari, Miyako Yoshika, Nazrin, Ran Yakumo
Oh, and my first touhou experience was EoSD
Yay more new member!
Allow me to introduce myself, I am the president of this club. People here called me "manager", "president", or "dazzling president".
Welcome abroad, and I hope you'll enjoy the life here.
Feel free to post, discuss, or ask anything related to Touhou here. A little out-of-topic chat is fine too, but please keep it to minimum.
Zandorf wrote...
I believe so, because she had been trapped in the basement for 495 years...
It's possible that she's just a shut-in according to the rumor written in PMiSS, also it seems she's able to roam freely in SDM and go outside. Like what happened when there's a party or that one time when a meteor was falling into SDM.
Zandorf wrote...
Do all Extra bosses have the same subset of non-spell card danmaku?
They do, IIRC extra bosses usually have 8 non-spell danmaku.
Damienthedevil wrote...
I'm not frequently here so I might've missed it if anyone posted this so I'll just apologize in advance.
I don't think anyone has posted about it before or if anyone did, it was long ago. Anyway, no worries. Always nice to have a source for Touhou-related stuffs posted here.
Harune wrote...

Hell yes, this is finally done.
Someone had to wait for this for a while, and now the wait will be rewarded (maybe)
i actually planned to post another thing, but since it's not fully related to this and for other reasons, i will postpone it to another time... =3=
Simply gorgeous, Haru! I like it. BTW, what's the other thing? You made me curious
( o†¿†¿o)