°^° It was Prinny birthday, i wasn't prepared... kinda
Happy Birthday Prez '3'
use it... or not... it's your decision
Rin_Penelope wrote...
Simply gorgeous, Haru! I like it. BTW, what's the other thing? You made me curious
( o†¿†¿o)
I'm not spoiling...i'm just gonna say a word as a clue: "Pages"
brok3n butterfly wrote...
If you drew those, they are very very nice.
No i have only colored those, but thanks anyway
Old - Jenkins wrote...
Splendid works, Haru. As expected from you.
Neko_(Yanshoujie) still updates his/her gallery from time to time; make sure to inform us whenever you decide on which pic you would use your coloring skill to a good use again. I'm looking forward for your future works.
and I suggest you to PM me whenever you post a new contribution.
-Arigatou senpai-
Sorry about that, i actually sended you a PM but as my computer freezed just as i pressed the button, i haven't ensured you received it.
Anyway, i checked the gallery sometimes, and i noticed as the number of colored works had increased, aside from fews ones.
When i'll feel ready to go on the other ones i'll just do it.