I won't say everyone hates it, some people really like it. I find myself liking some NTR because it has great art. In my opinion, I think NTRs usually has some of the best art which is why some people might hate it since they find it hard to resist and after they read it, they feel terrible and vent of their anger in the comment. I know some people say if you don't like it then don't read it, but when I see those beautiful luscious well drawn girls on the covers, I find it hard to resist and go in with the idea of "it might not be that bad"...but often it is.
I have a love hate relationship with it.
Why I sometimes like it?
1) I am a bit of a fan of rough sex. I don't know why but I like it...but unfortunately I can only see something like rough sex in some NTR. It's hard finding rough sex in vanilla (if someone can recommend a vanilla with rough sex in it, I would like to check it out...and I mean real rough sex where the girl is screaming she wants it :P).
2) Like I mentioned before, it often has good art
3) Often the women in it have luscious bodies and the way they act horny and the faces they make turns me on. Man I mean do you see some of those hot sexy wives with heavenly curves? Wish there was more of that in vanilla.
Why I hate it ?
1) Even though I like rough sex I dislike situations where the girl doesn't want it. Might be my nature but I dislike seeing girls in NTRs getting hurt mentally or mind broken.
2) The women in it are usually dumb. Rather than hate, it's more of something I am getting tired of seeing. They fall for easy blackmails, and situations where even a child would think of something better to do to escape the situation.
3) The bad guy always wins. They often get away with it and nothing terrible happens to them. Somehow the husband or boyfriend is quite dumb and can't put two and two together. The bad guy ends up with a sex slave and a guy to take care of that sex slave (sometimes a baby too) and in the end nothing happens to them. I mean come on, where is karma in all of this. I wouldn't mind NTR if bad things happened to the bad guys more often.
4) The husband or boyfriend most of the time doesn't deserve it. I actually like NTRs where the husband or boyfriend deserves it because they have been cheating, are terrible people, or don't love their spouse. However, usually the case is the husband or boyfriend has been faithful.
5) The husband or boyfriend is weak and pathetic. Again, they usually do nothing or weep when they find out. In my opinion, them going on a rampage or getting revenge is one of the best endings a NTR can have. Usually it just gets cut before we see what the husband or boyfriend does after they find out.
6) Can we please have a NTR where the husband or boyfriend is the one that is better at sex and has the bigger dick? Guess not because "mind break" probably won't happen and that's what some NTR readers like. If someone knows a NTR where the husband or boyfriend is better at sex, please do tell.
7) The bad guys are usually fat or creepy. I don't know why it's a common thing.
8) The women are weak willed and easily break. I know the stories are fiction but the more you read it the more you apply it to reality especially with cheating being on the rise. Sometimes the stories hit close to home, because I have a vivid imagination, I sometimes put myself in the spot of the husband or boyfriend and it makes me a bit sad and angry even though it is fiction.
I know people say it's fiction so people should treat it as such but the reality is that fiction can easily become reality (except for the sci-fi and supernatural stuff :P). I mean if there is a sad story about a dog getting hit by a car, you are not just going to say it's just fiction and ignore it. Chances are you are most likely going to apply that feeling towards your dog if you own one and might place yourself in the shoes of the fictional person who lost their fictional dog.
The reason why NTR is sometimes hated is because it tries to put you in real environment and situations an everyday person could find themselves in. Let's say you have a hot wife, chance are you will want to be with them everyday but you have to work if you want the bills to get paid. So what do you do? You start working leaving your beautiful wife all alone because you don't have much of a choice unless you want to be homeless. Because of this, your hot wife might end up horny since you come home tired so you haven't been sexually satisfying her. Does that sound familiar? It should because that's the plot for lots NTR
Let's take another scenario, let's say you are terrible at sex. Your wife doesn't tell you but pretends everything is ok. Because of that, you leave you wife unsatisfied and makes her more likely to give in to someone having sex with her. This happens in real life due to lack of communication in a relationship, and guess what? It's also the plot for some NTR. The reason why some people hate it is because some scenarios hit too close to home, and could happen. The authors know this and sometimes use realistic situations to tug on the reader's heart, just like how you are more likely to cry at a fictional work if something like that could happen. The neighbor could bang your wife when you are away, unsatisfied wives have a harder time pushing a man off, other men will try to go after your wife if she is hot even the ones you trust, people could blackmail your spouse, all of this could happen in reality and not just in the fiction world....well some of them apart from those that revolve around crazy hentai logic :P .
So yes, it's all fictional but people sometimes hate it because it could happen (even if there is a small chance) and treat the people in it as real people.