[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…
hello ^_^ A newcomer here ^_^ Nice to meet you all!
I can't contribute by uploading, but I hope I can do more in posting ^_^ I won't be posting here regularly :( but I hope I can at least add one mo…
Hello, can anyone clerify :? Hello, It is nice to make anyone's aquantince and hope we get along. Can any tell me if this site's membership is free?
I check all over and didn't see much on membership. …
Greetings Hello everyone.
For anyone who might know Water Margin, my username is taken from Shi Wen Gong, "The White Lion in the Night" who killed Chao Gai.
Just a random bit of info.…
Hi ! hey everybody sup just thought id make a thread where i can say hi and stuff. So ya...fakku is awesome and i finally feel like its time to become a perminant member of the community ^_^. :D
Why hello my furry little friends. (Do not pay attention to the title hehe)
Well, I've known FAKKU for quite some time and decided to try and be active here, maybe you can say im one of those creatures called lurkers and st…
Hi, whats up? Hello, I've finally decided to join the crew :)
I will be uploading images periodically so be sure to check them out when available. :wink: I am a fan of Magical Pokaan and more specifically …
Moin Moin Hi guys.
I'm from germany and i visited this site many times . So i#ve decided to sigup.
I'll help posting many pictures in the Images category (allready posted some)…
Ahoy hoy Um...I suck at intros, so...Hi! Some of my favorite anime/manga are Neon Genesis Evangelion, Speed Grapher, and Noir. There're a lot more that I like, but I don't feel like listing them all. I'll …
Hello Hello everyone. Im new to the site and to the boards; glad to meet all of you. Can't wait to begin reading and finding some great manga and hentai on this site- If anyone has any suggestions, I'm into…
The first step...... Hello XD Well hello to everyone here. I've been around for some time but never really contribute anything. So I might as well join the forum XD. Hope I'll get along with you guys and bye for now.
hellooooo~ um hey there been hanging around around for awhile never really contributed anything so i figured i would say hello. so like hey and stuff. i like pie. quite tasty. too much perhaps? bah.
They call me ZH. Hey, relatively new here, thought I should introduce myself, as per the forum desire. I don't like doing this sort of thing too much, feels like I'm putting myself on the spot, which leads to some awk…
j0! Yay for boredum? :roll:
Though i prefer hentai for the artist value(*cough* lies *cough*)...i would have to say: FMA, Bleech, and Naruto are kick ass animes(and mangas)...of course they must be …
Hey Everyone :D Hai, just joined on fakku. I hope ill meet some interesting people on here (you dont have to be nice just interesting) and I hope you'll get to know me better as I post more :D