Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


Strangers are coming in. Hello guys. :) I visited the site for long but I just joined the forum. I'm from Brazil, so sorry if I have some bad English and thanks for welcoming me. That is, if you welcome me. :roll: That…
Hello from Innominate. Introductions are a little pointless, but I thought I should introduce myself anyway. Hello I'm Innominate, won't you be my friend?
new dude here yo, nice ta meetcha
'Lo People Ive been part of Fakku since last December and noticed ive never introuduced myself. Well hello everybody!
Hi! =P Hi, i'm 18 years old and i'm from Chile South America ;D suddenly i found this site and the motemote battle and i loved it. I hope i will enjoy here. C'ya
Popping my head in I've had this site on my bookmarks for a few weeks, so I figured it would finally be time to introduce myself. It's nice to be here. I like video games, anime, and obviously the subject m…
Hey hey Hey, I know this site for many months now, but never wanted to post before today. So I do it now. If you want to know me, just ask, I'm not really good at presentation.…
Hiya! From Koonger Hiya! I'm not exactly new to Fakku or the forums. I was actually one of the first to start posting in the forums with my user name "Strike", but ever since the forum-reset and I lost my user nam…
Anti-Big-Boobs Heya all. Thought I'd drop by to say hello to those who care ^^ Currently interested in cute girls. No big boobs please >.< Kinda dont like enlarged booobs XD
I'm back... Hopefully for a long while this time ^^; My computer had died a while back and i was stuck with sharing my father's laptop. I didn't get many chances to come around XD However, last week …
Hello! Long time lurker, first time poster! I'm finally posting in hopes that someone will point me to some hentai that deals with breast enlargement (BE)!
hello! :D Hello all, Im pavel1104. Huge Hentai fan :P also, long time leecher, so now I am going to post stuff and possibly give back if possible :) BTW if you have a wii s…
Hey look its a new guy.... Hey, how's it going, the name's Chaos. I've been coming to this site for a few days now but after noticing that not only does this forum have an art/graphics section (love photoshop myself), but an u…
Heya everyone Hiya I'm tactac, Teletha from FMP must win the motemote contest (she is just so hot), gotta vote gotta post. (I posted the Giraffe picture of Chachamaru in the negima image section, dont k…
Me say "YO" to you First thing, I'm a french canadian, so my english kinda sucks. It makes sometimes that I visit Fakku, but I didn't subscribe because... I had no motive to do it. But the MoteMote Battle is almos…
Wassup People MAN! This site is the SHIZZNIT! I'm new and love this place, Great job everyone who put this together!
Yoh i join this fakku very long ady but i have not join in th forum. hahhahah i juzzz become Christian not for long and been baptist a few week already so i keep out from bondages and the sin in the world…
Hello world ..Hey I'm not really new, I've been visiting Fakku since about February, its today i decided to get a account, I'm not very good at introducing myself...
Hey there I'm your friendly neighbourhood Phantom Renegade. I've been checking this site for a while, and I finally decided to create an account to check out the forums. See ya when I see ya.
Ah, well ... ... I suppose it's necessary to introduce myself, correct? The name is ZeroOBK. After lurking around Fakku for a while, I decided to join up. This is mainly because I managed to get some doujins that …
Monster Girl
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