Why, hello ther. Free candy anyone?

What kind?

Total Votes : 24
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Hm, those awkward introductions of yourself. What to say?
Well, for starters I'm female and turned 18 back in February. I've lurked around on this site more then a few times and took a look at the community here. I was actually surprised. Who would've figured a community on a hentai site would be so warming lol. This is actually my first naughty 'site' I've been too. I've never been the type to google search stuff. So I wasn't sure what to expect. My method was always Torrents.

I deal with hentai/porn/h-manga etc kind've in the Kakashi approach. I've never been one to be turned on by it, but undoubtedly love it. I'm the girl in my circle of friends who can openly admit to watching, reading it, whenever, and however I want. Haha, I'll even critique it.

I like H-manga more then Hentai. Way more.

So hopefully I make some friends here :roll: I'm a pretty easy going person.
warm welcome from me :D
believe me,this is the best h-site ever.
hope you like it here,be active,and i hope we get along well.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Thanks :) - your avatar defiantly reminds me of something from somewhere, can you tell me where?
it's persona 3's main chara
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Haha, after taking a look further in this section of intro's I suppose my pedo-bear subject wasn't very creative.
What the pants is this!? That's it we're officially at war you pants hating fiend! (Hello welcome to Fakku. Enjoy your stay and the complimentary perving.)
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
If you like pants so much you can have mine. Lolz
Be careful what you wish for. I may just steal your inherent right to pants forever leaving you pantsless. Beware! You could end up horribly chilly in the winter!
Ramsus wrote...
Be careful what you wish for. I may just steal your inherent right to pants forever leaving you pantsless. Beware! You could end up horribly chilly in the winter!

It's true, this man is crazy when it comes to pants.

Welcome to FAKKU, enjoy your stay, eh?
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Oh noz.
Haha, it's funny because I am actually pantless at the moment. It's 4am and I really need to get to bed. Yay for oversized t-shirts and panties. 8)

Yes, I am really enjoying the forums so far. The people here are very humorous and I love some of the topics here.
Ahoy! Where's the candy?
Welcome to Fakku Ziggy.
And yes, I'll have some sweets
CaaaaAAAAAAAAaaaaaaady!! :P :P :P
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
okami wrote...
CaaaaAAAAAAAAaaaaaaady!! :P :P :P

I lol'd :lol:
ahahahaha.. well, anyway, Welcome to fakku! :D :D
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Whats this reputation thing? I only see it on myself versus everybody else but last night it was at 0 and now it's at 1 - what am I doing that's making it go up?
How's it goin. :twisted:
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Whats this reputation thing? I only see it on myself versus everybody else but last night it was at 0 and now it's at 1 - what am I doing that's making it go up?

Well, once you hit 15 posts you gain the ability to see rep and award/take 1 rep daily. People will give you reo if they like you or like something you post.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
I don't see your rep and I'm at 18 posts. =\
So that means some-body lykes me already? Gosh. lol

Oh~oh. I see it now. Thanks :wink:

Edit again.
Wait, doesn't that mean somebody can be a total dick-wad and just minus your rep for the hell of it?
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
I don't see your rep and I'm at 18 posts. =\
So that means some-body lykes me already? Gosh. lol

Oh~oh. I see it now. Thanks :wink:

Edit again.
Wait, doesn't that mean somebody can be a total dick-wad and just minus your rep for the hell of it?

Yup, but most people will see that and give you that rep back, but it doesn't matter; rep isn't currently used for anything useful, iirc.
Monster Girl
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