ZengarZanvolt wrote...
Shashin wrote...
I really liked this Luka cover: http://kirishimanoa.blog47.fc2.com/blog-entry-44.html
and the couple of variations it had.
I'm having a hard time finding the poster I was referring to now, but it was for this version: http://shigentei.jugem.jp/?eid=22
It sold at some Chinese event in 2009 according to the poster, which would make sense because it's a Chinese circle. The material isn't the best, being a bit on the rough side, but I haven't entirely ruled it a fake because I have absolutely no idea what rayon is supposed to feel like, so it very well could be rayon. That and the seller had a good feedback rating, was located in Japan, and had some other legitimate auctions going on at the same time. That's definitely not the best indicator, but it made me feel a lot better about bidding at the time. Either way, I'd like to replace it because as much as I like the wet panties portion on mine, the more ero the better... and 2WT will surely be better than whatever material mine is made of.
And Dfan, I actually have bid on a copy of that Miku cover before. It ended up selling for like 70k, I think. Surely more than I willing to pay for it at the time. I think I did bid around 50-60k though.
Me needs teh Luka now!!!
And damn you for having more money than the average college student.>_<
I'm absolutely broke now, yet I can't seem to get it in my head that I need to control spending. >_>
As for the Stocking, Evening Call's is really nice... though her foot is facing the wrong way.
It's available on the Japanese Mandarake site for 12k, but it didn't transfer to the English site. If you like it, you could try emailing them and having them post it on the English site; I've had some success with it in the past, and it has been in stock for a few months now, so they'd probably wouldn't mind selling it.
The link is here: https://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/ja/item_s-726904.html
There's also a good review, with more detailed shots, here: