How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

Total Votes : 9,443
Member for three years and a lurker for one year. So I guess four years for me?
On the 14th I will have been a happy fakuian for 5 years and it will also mark my 25th birthday (everyone was working and couldn't visit me then so I found fakku and that was the best thing on that day. Sadly I only created an account a couple of months ago because I read comments and I just wanted to add in my 2 cenc) Keep up the good work fakku behind you all the way
4 or 5 years... not sure how long before I made an account. I first saw this when a person was making custom games on wc3 advertising the site...
for 2 of the best years of my life!!!
i love how u can favorite the manga so i can keep track. this site has so much awesomeness
Never Enough Desu
About two and a half something years of lurking, time flies when you have an amazing site to go to.
stumbled upon FAKKU! only a few months ago. i was on another site and saw the name displayed in a pic and decided to try and check it out.

so glad!

this is a great site. keep up the good work.
I got here because someone from another forum referred me here. Seems like a lot more than 5 years. I made this account 3 years ago on the day before my birthday. I can't remember how long I was a lurker.
i have been here for a little over a year now and it is awesome, i love every one here :D.

i think i came across this site when i was looking for one piece hentai comics. :P
2 years already or more than i guess. more power to fakku!
been visiting for 2 years and I have to say this is the best community ive seen
4 to FOREVER!!!!
I am here for at least 3 years.
I have been here for at least 3 years.

Scratch that 4 years I guess.
I came here a few years back really enjoyed it here and decided to make it like a home. I ended up here from my phone
FAKKU keep me up for the last 5 years >.< keep go on man ........ FAKKU !!!
ended up here because i kept feeling horny xx
I been watching for I think about 3 and a half years
about 3 years ago, my friend told me about it
i have been coming here for about 3 years, but i recently created my profile. lastly, if this site went down i will kill myself.
Monster Girl
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