Ahhhhh, there's not any good early monoB ramp in Modern... I wanted to build a Modern-legal Suicide Black so I can put in Phyrexian Obliterator...
I was gonna base it off of this:
And most of the shell is from here, but I had to take some inspiration from this guy's deck to find my second threat I needed, the Immolating Souleater:
I'm not gonna splash red yet, though if it comes down to it, I may have to.
The maindeck so far:
2 Marsh Flats
2 Verdent Catacombs
16 Swamp
20 Land
4 Death's Shadow
4 Immolating Souleater
4 Spellskite (Not sure if four is neccessary, but I like that it can protect my creatures.)
12 Creatures
2 Aphotic Wisps
4 Inquisition of Kozilek
4 Dismember (Questioning if four is pushing too much, but its 1-mana removal =/)
4 Tainted Strike
4 Spoils of the Vault
4 Plunge Into Darkness
4 Duress (Considered Thoughtseize instead, but for now, the cheap option)
2 Geth's Verdict
28 Other Spells
Looking through RtR cards, too I thought maybe I could find a way to fit Cryptborn Horror in. Definitely not as a four-of, though.
Also, wanted to try the Second Sunrise deck, since it always interested me since before it's victory in Pro Tour Return to Ravnica, but because of that, it interests me more. I'm kinda shocked though that none of the lists ran Disciple of the Vault. I was thinking up a way to make Ravager Affinity, but when I remembered Disciple of the Vault, I thought how awesome it'd be in the (Eggs, Second Sunrise, Second Breakfast, all those weird names for it) deck.
Bascially, I cut 1 Sleight of Hand from Cifka's Second Breakfast list for the Disciple, though it was hard to find what to cut because I love his deck otherwise: