BlinkXPoke wrote...
Oh yeah, read about Legacy Miracle decks being basically Counterbalance decks with miracles thrown in.\
Speaking of which... What's a common mana cost used to counter spells with that? I know at least in modern, since Spell Snare apparently can be a four-of in a deck, that 2 is a magic number, but...
Depends on the build, once countertop is assembled, 1CMC's are out of the question no matter what, beyond that it depends on the build, usually 3 is a rough one as most do not pack a lot of 3 drops (biggest reason why entreat is used), sometimes 2, Miracleblade decks (Miracles + stoneforge mystic), hits 2 a lot easier.
Countertop works best on streamlined and efficient decks, decks with wonkier curves it's pretty dead to.
Edit: just remembered, snare hits half the relevant cards in modern, Bob, Tarmogoyf, Pyromancers Ascension