Playing a stock U/W Flash list (check the link I posted a page or two back, the only difference is -1 Geist of Saint Traft +1 Clone and -1 Restoration Angel and -1 Glacial Fortress and +1 Island and +1 Plains, forgot the resto and fortress on my desk at home, d'oh.
Round 1 Bant, or as I call, CavernofSoulsnamingbeast.dec
Round 1: Choke on mana, hard, I mull to 5 looking for a hand that isn't moorland haunt and gas or gas, by the time I can do anything he has thragtusk, Jace and Tamiyo, both ready to activate their respective ultimates
Round 2: He resolves rest in peace, that's bad, he resolves jace, that's worse, he plays Cavern of Souls naming beast, oh shit, Thragtusk, I rage quit.
Not a fun matchup, 0-1
Round 2: Jund
I actually don't really remember the specifics of this one as it all kinda blurred together, I do remember making a play mistake g1 by flashing in resoration angel in response to a Sever the bloodline targeting restoration agnel, that was dumb. Both matches were long but in both of them I stabilized and bounced/countered everyone of his threats. This matchup is insanely easy as they do nothing turn 1-2 (they play farseek and sometimes Deathrite shaman), and they have too many diverse creature types to play cavern without making the mana very awkward.
So yeah, I curbstomped this guy like a boss 1-1
Round 3: 4C Reanimator
Okay this deck actually looked like a ton of fun to play but I digress. Round went like round 1, mana screw completely, round 2 I mulled to 5 and get nothing, and don't draw a blue source for 4 turns, round 1 ended when I realized that you can do dumb things with angel of serenity (reanimate angel, if it dies, he gets 3 creatures that he can resolve no problem, if not, he has a massive angel that I have to deal with), round 2 ended because he resolved lingering souls
Round 4: Esper Tokens
This round was long, the first match I kept a hand of gas and lands and drew dead on all of my cantrips, he slams Intangible Virtue and something that makes tokens, dead, wasn't quite that cut and dry, but that's the jist of it. Game 2 was loong, I board wiped at least twice, sphinx revelation was cast several times (on both sides), I unsummoned dunno how many creatures, detention sphere was played, it came down to where we were both top decking cards essentially (every time I semi-stabilzied he played something I needed to answer stat, and most of his threats are tokens, I play snapcaster and unsunmmon so yeah), he resolves a midnight haunting with 3 intangible virtue, G-muthafucking-g.