kickiluxxx wrote...
BlinkXPoke wrote...
kickiluxxx wrote...
BlinkXPoke wrote...
kickiluxxx wrote...
BlinkXPoke wrote...
How do you win other than bashing with Shimian? That can be Extirpated, then you'd be out of luck.
I was actually thinking of dragging the game (
by removing vital cards) till I can activate Sadistic Sacrament with kicker. Guess I should have more creatures.
I think I can remove 4 cards and add 4 Phyrexian Obliterator. Also, change lands to 5 Plains, 5 Swamps.
Obliterator's QUADRUPLE black cost makes it almost a requirement that your deck is mono black. At least, I haven't ever seen it successfully cast in anything but monoB. If not, you'd need to dig deep for that 4th swamp many times.
I guess I can try and make all my lands dual lands then?
I think ditch that plan altogether. Needing that much fixing for a single card in a two color deck is proof that it's likely not worth it.
EDIT: Btw, I thought you had Fiend Hunter in the deck. Journey to Nowhere stapled onto a creature is pretty good, and it's another threat.
Also, some suggestions for the deck, since you are threat light: Karn Liberated (Not a creature, but he's a really nice planeswalker if you think it can get up to 7 mana), Mangara of Corondor (which is part of an interesting combo with Karakas), and Archon of Justice (A nice beater that your opponents won't want to kill).
EDIT2: BTW, you said that O-Ring doesn;t deal with indestructible... It actually does. It's Vindicate that can't take care of indestructibility. Indestructibility prevents destroy effects, not exile effects.
Oh, the part that doesn't deal with indestructible refers to Vindicate. Many are the times where my Blightsteel Colossus have been O-Ringed.
Uhm, I don't get the Mangara Karakas combo. Can you target an exiled creature?
Hmm, Karn is a very good card, but a really expensive Planeswalker. 7 mana....
You activate Mangara, then you activate Karakas targeting Mangara in response. He's in your hand by the time his own ability resolves, so he won't be exiled. The target will still be exiled, though. Gurall, let me know if I got this right, cus I'm pretty sure, but not entirely sure that this is how it works.
Karn is expensive, so yeah, he only goes in a deck that really can get that far. But just letting you know he's an option.
ALSO, off the subject, My guild, Dimir's mechanic is fricken awesome. Me and my friend saw it, and we loved it.
Soooooo interesting, we love it.