(( NOTICE! Honestly, didn't read through this thread to save meh, most apologies
-mine love. Did, indeed, read the first post. Thus, mine response. ))
Never really understood the means of a closet computer love. Mean, never really was much of a social person when Eshi was younger... Through-out grade school was enabled to fuck with people's head et make them think that was very good person... on some level. Twas axially really nuh a nice, et very unstable person in grade school. When hit High School was nice little outspoken place where found myself, over time, hidden from others to observe non more. Didn't really want to hurt anyone, et felt if made myself known that may get the urge of fucking with someone's simple emotions. Although, the difference from grade school et high school was that Eshi wasn't moving around anymore.. sew, couldn't run away from them when they figured that little manipulation out (born into airforce military household, where we moved between the school year within that year et/or two years... always. until, after my mother divorced my step father et left the military before being deported to war, literally... that's the long story short) --
Anyways! When was in High School never really was "Normal" et non one ever thought it either. Everyone never really noticed meh. Which, for meh at least, felt nice to not beh noticed surrounded by a school. Gave meh time to work on school et get things that was importance complete. While people talked when the bell rang for class, waited until it rang et walked like a ghost through them -the first in class, under a minute.
Will admit mine life for the longest time was just the internet. Axially, admit, meet most mine good friends online -when include mine fiancè. Which, never thought it would become as serious as ish now. Le Sighs, notice the porblems having. Hah! (always gave myself the notice to know, aswell others, that anything online ish far from being truth -or atleast there ish a limit, even forums.)
Anyways! Mine point ish.. that Internet, for the longest time (admit never really changed since age of eight, more serious activity started at twelve), even now has been mine own little Private Life.. only because was little Outcast most mine life in real life. Only basis of genre giving meh grief ish the little bastards that noticed meh occasional through grade school et high school that had this obsessive nature. Le Sighs! Even, mine beloved ish most obsessed with meh, gives meh a wonder in what they see in this little tormentor, whom loves evermost, buh can give sew much grief of the wishful curse in them all along. Le Sighs!
Feelings ish, atleast online can't ruin anyone's life. Mean, non going to admit the occasional search for someone then fuck with their head just for the joy of it all, buh that's another story. I've always felt that Online atleast have mine own personal surrounding.. never really had a perfect or social life outside of mine own surrounding.
Sounds sad? Non really, have friends who I admit mine wrongs in this world, love them to death.. always have said that those put in Eshi heart will never beh torn from mine wretch means. Don't feel nice/good person, buh they say differently. Can beh really mean, buh that usually consist when really manic/unstable et over the years you tend to find function in this world... Sew, non you won't hear anything about meh taring into someone's flesh for the pleasure of the feeling of their blood or something weird et horrific.. Non murder, et non that mean/manipulating of a person, as Eshi twas years back...
Donna, guess those that have different outlook on life, aswell their level of understanding, seem to beh drawn to such a method of life/reality. Buh, can't say that don't co-exist in life, have more outside of High School than in grade/high school, you know? Atleast Eshi co-exist rather than linger in the shadows, right? Still, the little weird girl that while she has to beh up for work in a few hours ish wandering the dark streets out of sanity in the mist of the midnight/morning. Tehehehe, buh just have mine own kinks in life.
Non Normal in the reality most people are sociable. Buh, here I can beh "Eshi" et/or various alias have over time, et still use for roleplay, forums, various other sites. Still find it curious that you hide yourself from the social world, should I say you hide your interactions online from the social world. For meh, for those I trust, they know -include of family in the quiver of the fumble open thrive of mine being Ecchi Girly Online (yesh, mine mother et brother, aswell friends/lovers knows of mine porn freak genre) Everyone that trust of Eshi, knows of mine various activity online et gaming.. Ish non secret because part of Eshi. Why Hide it?