Gravity cat wrote...
A customer not going to my till when asked, and when I picked up their things I found out the hard way they put their change on top of it, which went flying off into the till area. Managed to find some of it but to compensate for the mishap, I reduced the price.
Another customer wanted a gift bag but I picked up the wrong one, apologised and said "It's been a long day". He asked when I started and told him 11. He got shitty with me and claimed that he was a nurse and he does 12 hour shifts at a time. All very well but it wasn't a competition and we have our own problems to deal with that he knows nothing about; like worrying about deliveries, having a severe lack of change because the guy we request change from doesn't check his fucking e-mails so we have to pop to the change machine whenever we need it, having to nab till rolls off other shops, and despite constantly requesting Loyalty cards they never send any out and we get told off for having poor Loyalty usage. The company's fucking incompetant. To top it off I have back problems which can at times make the simplest jobs a bit of a chore.
I know how you feel, where I work the customers think we are their personal slaves and if I come home without stories how they treated me like shit it´s really a miracle...
The latest one: a guy started to scream because he thought I gave him his change in to many coins. I told him that we were short on change at the moment and I did what I could to give him his change as handy as possible. He started to scream even louder and accused me of harassing him...
I worked that saturday since the opening so as he started to scream in the afternoon I was in a very sadistic state and told him I could give him change in bigger coins but he had to wait until no other customers were at my cash register because otherwise the other customers had to wait too long and that would be against the companie´s policy - he waited half an hour for bigger change, got even more angry and demanded to speak with my boss.
As she heard the story of how I "abused" the poor man, she gave me the "I know what you did" glance but still covered my back and told him that I behaved straight of the handbook of our company.
She later told me that it was kind of funny how I managed to make him half an hour wait, so at least it had no consequences for me...