Post Your Pics! i dont want to sound like a meany of an a$$......
why is it so hard for most of you to show you true self?
i do it all the time.
u dont need to hide it.
were all friends …
Ramen in Japan. I've always wanted to try ramen in japan but since i don't currently have the time nor the money. reading about it is the next best thing.…
[ Poll ] something i have to share?what do u think? i was browseing youtube, when i found a remix of RATM's guerilla radio. now i thought at first it was gonna be stupid, but then i listened to it, and it was just crazy awesome. now once i listened to …
i felt like crying alot today im on holiday in thailand and i go to the mall
since im from ebgland it is rare to see a shop dedicated to anime and manga.
but while in thailand i saw loads at the mall.
but (again)…
the most incredible people u ever met (on fakku) i have to say the most amazing ppl ive met have 2 b here @ fakku. im talking about waar, ziggy, & biggie(biglw17), 1sTehherip(i dnt think i spelled it right sorry) & AH1(Animeholic1) im not go…
what/who do you want to work for? well people, we all have a dream, some are realistic, some are not as realistic, but still, you got to dream, and you can cant you not? so what i wish to ask you all is, what do you want to be? or wha…
Animated artist/band and their music.... I'm not sure if this fit's here but here goes...
1)What do you think of animated artist/band and their music?...
2)If so, what is your favourite animated artist/band and their music …
Audiosurf i have recently seen some vids on Youtube about this, it interests me.
[size=10]i think its some type of game where you load songs and hit t…
PRINTS I'm getting some prints later and I'm going to be printing a hentai picture but i don't know which one to print and i really want to print one, and these prints that I'm getting aren't cheap.