IEAIAIO wrote...
Ok, I'm nineteen and I'm a virgin. I'm not really proud of this but niether am I particually ashamed about it either. It's just the way my life's played out I suppose. Anyway my question is this: Lately as my love for all thing hentai has increased my taste for real porn has decreased. Adding to this would be my many different masterbation techs I've tried and I'm starting to kinda wonder if actually having sex will be as awesome as it's claimed to be.
I'm starting to worry that maybe when the time comes and I do have sex, it won't be anywhere near as good as I've been imagining it would. So I figured I'd ask you guys (and gals) your opinion on this.
Having Sex is a true bliss/Nirvana, for the 1st time, especially if your partner is someone you Love.
There are several categories you can go into for having sex.
Making Love and having sex for the sake of just fucking are two different things.
Ofcourse this is where you can go into all the Kiny and what not stuff for Sex...
I will say this though, its much better when you are "experience" and know how to please/pleasure the woman your with, than when your "new" and dont really know what to do, except to simply penetrate.
As you grow and experienced sex you'll know what I mean.