gibbous wrote...
The Jesus wrote...
Not really. As far as the accidental part goes, maybe I should have used unintentional instead. It might sound crazy, but it's not impossible, nor is it unheard of, for a perfectly healthy man to cum without fapping, per se. Sometimes its a matter of mindset and/or accidental stimulation.
Yes...that's...not unheard of indeed. Wet dreams anyone?
I was talking more about a when you're awake and, for whatever reason, you're horny as fuck and it's kind of like a jack-in-the-box, except the box is your penis and the clown or whatever is semen
... or something like that. Although there are people who fap while they sleep. I read an article somewhere about a guy, who was a known sleepwalker, that woke up in his backyard mid-fap.
Oh, I thought more like you'd bukkake the assailant to stun and temporarily blind him or something.
It's a possibility, if they're within range when you're ready to fire.
Why the hell would you be afraid to the point of pissing yourself of some bloke jacking off? Better cover those mirrors when you fap, mate!
That's not what I'm talking about. What I mean is that, in response to the threat of being attacked, a guy pulls his dick out and starts fapping, regardless of whether he's indoors or on the street. He might know exactly what he's doing, but the attacker doesn't.
The fact of the matter is that if you are the attacker, you're either targeting someone who is trying to psych you out or someone who is completely fucking insane. If it's the latter, that is insanity that you
do not want to fuck with. I know a lot about insane people and, depending on the circumstances, you might as well be face to face with a pissed off, man-eating tiger.