Scion in chains wrote...
Let me tell you a story. Our work causes my gf & I to periodically have to go on business trips. & she wanted to try not fapping. FOR A MONTH! Needless to say I failed & when she came back I was too calm & busted. 6 weeks later I got a second chance for another month trip. Though I almost killed myself & destroyed my computer I held out. She came back & we did it. 1st time the ol balls didnt last 5 mins. round 2 she fapped 1st (IM THE KING), 3rd time I apparently let my balls take control of my brain & was gonna release the beast inside, but she somehow managed to rocket kick me in the balls & that made me fly back (literally) into the wall and I got it all over her the bed and the lamp. NEVER did that in my life & havent yet been able to do it again. The moral? IDK but it felt awesome(in exception for my balls getting kicked.) & almost made me want to wait again. So wait man itll feel awesome!
All I can say is lol and again girls don't fap, why not just say masturbate or something else when referring to girls is it so hard? Because fap doesn't apply to them unless they're a futa.