I'm fairly new, long time lurker though, but I think a lot of good points have been brought up. I think people should start off with shaggyjebus's idea of just changing the file names of what you upload. Such as with his idea of taking "Wife with Wife" and using winrar [or others] to make stuff1.rar and stuff2.rar files. This would eliminate those who use google hacks or file share search engines for their company's search and destroy missions. Though that's something the uploaders themselves need to implement and not something that fakku could or even should police.
On the fakku side, I think that hibia's ideas over
here would help in catching who is looking at the links, and then there can be temp banned to check and see who is
really reporting the links. But then again this would be a nightmare to impliment.
Fakku could also impliment a waiting period as previously stated. Many forums out there have waiting periods for things as simple as making a thread so I doubt that this would be anything hard for the real users to wait for.
Now with the previous you then could implement a post requirement. But a post requirement alone would only end in mass spamming rather than thoughtful* posts. So it probably would be best to say, have a one month registration period with at least 20 posts, and no warnings for spam by the mods. This way they know that spam will just make it take longer to get in. And it can also be a punishment for those who constantly spam the forums to be kicked out of the user uploads as a first level deterrent.