theotherjacob wrote...
Privilaged children or do you mean people who actually have any semblence of intellegence. There are many forms of socialism, some can seem bad and some good. The general ideal of socialism is a great cause. A place of true equality.
I actually meant self-righteous, privileged children. I can tell by your tone that you already kneel at the altar of the state. So go ahead, say your prayers, drop your money in the donation box and let's get on with it.
But I'm curious to know how most first world nations that don't use socialism are fairing with their causes? It doesn't take a genius to see that free health care should be automatic for the care of any nation. That education and child welfare should be placed on the highest mantle and not sold off to corporation for their own agendas.
Nothing is free especially "free healthcare". Everything within the medical system requires someone to put forth their labor to make it happen. The doctors who diagnose your illness, the surgeons who fix what's broken, the nurses who take care of you while your in the hospital, etc. All of this requires people be compensated for their time which if you disagree leads into an entirely different argument.
Socialists believe that the money required to pay these professionals should be taken by force from those who have money. Once the money has been extorted from one group, it should be given to others in various forms ranging from welfare to government services which include government healthcare and governments schools to indoctrinate the children with a robust love of the state.
Socialists prattle on with delightful talk of "if we all just cooperated, we could accomplish so much more" yet they ignore a key concept of cooperation which is the element of volunteerism. Socialism only works if everyone is participating in the system this is often enforced via taxes, penalties, fines and other "incentives" to force people into the system. To the uneducated this is perfectly fine because the ends justify the means. These individuals are so indoctrinated with the state dogma that they believe anyone who is opposed to be robbed for the benefit of others is just a compassion-less monster who wishes to see children and elderly dying in the gutter because they are simply greedy, vile, corrupt bastards won't let go of the money they rightfully earned.
It’s amazing to me how many people think that voting to have the government give poor people money is compassion. Helping poor and suffering people yourself is compassion. Voting for our government to use guns to give money to help poor and suffering people is immoral self-righteous bullying laziness. People need to be fed, medicated, educated, clothed, and sheltered. If we’re compassionate, we’ll help them, but you get no moral credit for forcing other people to do what you think is right. There is great joy in helping people, but no joy in doing it at gunpoint.
tl;dr: Using force against one group to help another is just being a self-righteous bully and shows no actual compassion for others.
theotherjacob wrote...
That is capitalist not socialist. It's obvious when companies get tax breaks over the people.
That is not capitalism, it's called
corporatism. Learn the difference so people will at least think you stayed awake in class.