kaimax wrote...
I want to criticize about a few things.
Callonia wrote...
My view is that israels wanted their home country back after being kicked out numberous times or occupied.
Did the land that was called Israel was really owned by them?
Callonia wrote...
I dun like the middle eastern attacks on israel due to their terrorist attacks.
What did you expect from a country that doesn't have weaponry support from the U.S.
The fact is Israel is now much more of a killer than Palestine, their air strike randomly attacked "assumed" base of the militants, killing more innocent bystanders.
And what, Israel allowed people to help the injured while they keep attacking, isn't that a waste in resource and supplies.
I don't really support both of them, because I hate "real" wars.
Just one question about a fact that I forgot, "Who shot the first gun?"
By israelis i mean the jewish people who have lived on the land for quite a long time now, hundreds of years, read up on them, they've been invaded repeatedly and kicked out and came back in or simply capitulated just to be allowed to live in their homes. That ethnicity group, I cannot remeber the proper term for it. Errr, its the guys who founded carthage. At that time, arabs simply stayed in their arabian penisula.
And i believe, today's palestinians was mostly of the people who came in during saladin's time and before the crusades happened.
And well what did you except from an country who doesnt have weaponry support because of their actions? I believe the conditions to get weapon support is to accept democracy and cease terrorists attacks and such.
I won't want to befriend the way the iran is now. It's like trying to shake hands with live fire.
Blargh i need to review the history books again, because that's all i can remeber right now.