meltme wrote...
8bitking1 wrote...
If tobacco was illegal it would be handled by drug dealers, meaning it would be mixed with even more dangerous ingredients and drug dealers would take advantage of addicts. The cigarette addicts may be lured by dealers into trying harder, more dangerous drugs like heroin. Holland has a nearly nonexistant heroin use statistic because drug dealers often lead cannibis users into hard drugs, in Holland weed is distributed legally which stops this problem alltogether.
Exactly. Cigarettes need to be legal so they can be regulated. People who want to smoke will find a way to smoke by whatever means they can. Better for the product to be made correctly than for dealers to add some sleazy stuff to it.
And since money controls everything, the government would be out of a huge source of revenue if they make it illegal. I'm not a smoker, but I've seen prices for some cigarette packs. 10 or 11 bucks, and many people smoke multiple packs a week.
Soda and fast food may also lead to a shorter unhealthy life (Diabetes, Obesity, High Blood Pressure, etc). Moral of the story is to educate people on the health risks of smoking, and let them decide what to do with their money and their bodies.
The difference between soda and fast food and a cigarette is that, the latter are beverages and solids(and therefore, can be consumed by the human body), whereas the cigarette is a foreign object with no real place for the human system. It destroys the lungs, injects drugs(Nicotine) into your body and may or may not cause problems.
Hasn't caused problems for my grandmother, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be stupid enough to smoke one.
That said, someone said that tobacco has a "rich and deep history in our culture", and this in my mind is the big problem(same with the alchol, prohibition failure) is that these things have "become a part of our culture." and as a result we can't part with them.
Sometimes, I don't think this country has much in the way of morality, pride or a sense of ethics. In fact, we're so far removed from those things that I think this country tends to be shallow at times.