Link is related. Watching the video and reading the comments made me realize of how discipline affects people.
I'm pretty sure here of how overprotective America is of their own child, what with the jokes of suing the school because their child failed a class or broke their knee among the school premises.
Still, I don't want to talk about the American way. I want to talk about the Asian way.
We've all seen the stereotypical of how Asians are almost always perfect when it comes to schooling, the fear of their parents, and the dishonor of being shunned out of the family if you got a B+. Aside from that joke about us asians being perfect grade-wise, the other ones are about true.
Here's a quote from a dude from Sankaku (I don't care where I get my saws, btw)
mano wrote...
First of all, I want to say that I am an Asian man who grew up in an Asia family.
And I have something to say about the statement "No asian children resent their parents for beating them". Yes, I do not reset my parents. However, I built a wall around me to protect myself from my parents. I am scared of them. I thought they are my Gods and rulers who dominated my life. I feared that they will know how I feel, that do not live up to their expectation. I created a fake image of being a happy child. But deep down i am pretty fucked up (that why the reason i am here browsing 3kaku).
@anon 14:23
"they do not sue their parents" you say? It is because of the thing called "face value" or reputation. It is an unusual action, and unusual things are condemned in Asian society. That the reason why you rarely see innovative ideas and thinking start from Asia. The annoying feeling of your neighbour gossiping around your house is simply unbearable. In additional, most of Asian countries are third world country. I repeat, THIRD WORLD COUNTRY. Children have no free community lawyers to consult or are educated that they have basic human rights. All they are taught is
"your parents, teachers, and elders are king. Do not oppose them nor talk back to them. They are always right, you are always wrong".
Also "repaying the care they gave them in the elderly years and live together"? i call it bullshit it is more like they CANNOT afford to live separate. Housing in city is damn bloody expensive. That people have to live in pigeon size apartment working from 8 to 5 with no annual leave just to make end meet. People simply have no choice. It is not like Western/Caucasian country where can you stay 40-50km from work. Here it takes more than half an hour for 10km commuting.
Also in the west, it is not about children never take care of their parents but more like the parents give their children a space of freedom. Just image you marry and live with your parents in the same house, everything you and your wife do, your parents will know. You cannot have a moment of romantic in the living room or kitchen because there are someone else.
So on and so forth...
I am grateful for my parents. As a business partner, they have been investing their money in me since i am nothing. So i will return their investments. But do i feel they are close to me that i can share my feeling? Definitely not.
Personally, I really want to leave the household, get a job, etc. But my conscience kept reminding me...
Even if they raised me brutally, threatened me to throw me into the streets if I fail a test and beat me up when I actually failed, they still didn't throw me away into the streets, they still raised me and gave me a home.
I know I can't explain myself clearly, but without saying it, I can clearly relate to what "mano" said, since it's pretty much what my life is, especially the last paragraph