theotherjacob wrote...
That makes absolutely no sense. You say they have a lower chance of survival compared to men but a better chance to be saved? Wouldn't the person with the highest chance of survival be the one with the best chance to be saved?
If you take the instance of a ship going down. Most of the crew and navigation are men. So if you put all the women and children in the boat and none of these male crew members, how are they supposed to survive?
Least to mention, who says they have any better chance of survival than me? Nobody is immune to fire or drowning or bullets. I have ever right to be saved just as much as they do. It's a selfish belief in inequality to think that women are the crucial cornerstone of our species and that men are expendable.
I did say that running boat full of children would be a poor choice as if it would lead to only more death, I'll try to explain the concept better; The ultimate goal is that no matter who you are on that boat you aren't part of part of a group that will die more often then another group. If men were suppose to sacrifice themselves to save others then that would be against that goal. On the other hand putting only people who have maximal chance of survival on boat would create a subclass of people who would always die, children and adults with the worst nautical skill.
The optimal solution for this thought experiment isn't unique it varies depending on the situation; If the odds of anyone dying, that isnt in a rescue boat, is the same for everyone, then filling enough crew (if needed) to man the rescue boat + a lottery for the rest could be a solution. If the ship is sinking near the shore then everyone that is able to swim should try and reach the shore by swimming while the boat are reserved for non swimmer.
A oceanic ship sinking in colder water with help on the way in a few hour would lead to a situation where children and women in boat + men threading water waiting for rescue would be optimal as men are generally able to stay in cold water longer without dying due to more stamina and higher weight, fatter women that are able to thread water should join them.
In all those situation with no information on which person you are on that ship you can be assured that you wont be left to die or at the mercy of another group. The best scenarios would lead you to have 0 preference on which person to be on that ship as you know that your overall chance to survive would be optimal.