theotherjacob wrote...
I keep seeing people posting here, but I don't think anyone has actually watched the videos I have linked.
I just watched the 2 videos you posted along with a bit of the 3rd one, and i will respond to a few points made in them.
-I do think unless if a woman can prove the father would be a harmful influence she should not be able to bar him from seeing his child. But barring that, shared custody should be assumed. And there is some research into more effective forms of
male birth control,so at some point in the future men may have more control over there fertility.
-On the topic of child support. I think there should be some measure of enforced child support simply because i believe some men will pay non if they can get away with it. With that said,i would be fine with modifying the rules of it to make it a bit more fair. And in the case of alimony, i would also be fine with modifying the rules of that to make it more fair. For example, a woman who has a good,stable job should not get the same alimony as women who is on unemployment. And if the man comes away from a divorce with significantly less then i could support alimony payments for the males
-I can't say i share her opposition to daycare, although i do think maternal leave should be expanded to parental leave(Basically allowing both men and women to take time off to be with their children, which seems as equal as you can get)
-In 2003 there was a study done between states with no fault divorce and those without, and it found states with no fault divorce had less
cases of female suicide, females murdered by there spouse, and domestic abuse for women and men. With that said, i am not against trying to lower the number of divorces. I would prefer to look for other ways besides just eliminating no-fault divorce all together.
-I wouldn't mind doing away with quotas for females, or trying to help males get through school.
-While some of the concepts of feminism may have not worked out so well, i think its important to note there are other factors that have contributed to the global economic troubles such as the subprime mortgage fallout.
-On the topic of domestic violence in relation to males, i think completely blaming feminism for it is a bit unfair. A lot of males value toughness beyond all else, and enforce that on other males. The solution to that is to let go of gender roles/stereotypes. And that would also help men have more of a voice in custodial disputes.
I will conclude this post with a quote from a feminist minded blog i find relevant to this discussion
Many of today's feminists, for instance, rather than viewing men as innate "batterers," predators, or rapists, recognize that women, too, can assault and sexually assault people, including men- a recognition that logically precludes the holder of such views from seeing men as innately predatory and women as innate victims.
For anyone curious, the quote from the post on rape in the military