theotherjacob wrote...
it is even more scary to think that your children may not be yours
The point is that back then, if she was not a virgin, there was actually no way of telling if your kids were yours. There were no DNA tests. You wanted to be sure that your belongings and your families property went to your own bloodline, your own spawn. Nowadays we have ways to tell, though you would still rather be sure your kids are yours from the offset and virginity guarantees that.
theotherjacob wrote...
I have traveled around the world, and lived in several places spanning half a country and a quarter of north america and have yet to meet a woman who valued her virginity.
It is just a sign of the change of times. We have had a world where people found virginity important, but it is a dying breed. Over time you will find less and less caring, but whether that is a good thing or a bad thing is all up to subjective opinion.
theotherjacob wrote...
I was 23 when I lost my virginity and I have been ridiculed since my teen years for not being interested in sex and wanting my first time to be meaningful (which is wasn't.)
I feel for you there, I too was ridiculed for said virginity, I just didn't let it get to me because 'at least I was sleeping around with everyone else'. I think it goes to show when you look back and everyone you went to school with is now has multiple kids.
theotherjacob wrote...
Many women today only see sex as a justified means to achieve pleasure under the false ideology that they have a "right to orgasm".
I do understand what you are getting at, I just haven't come across these women in my community as such (or maybe that is just a commentary on how sheltered I am in my society, if I got out more I would see more of it). I think having sex just to achieve pleasure is justified though, as long as you take responsibility, though I suppose if you are wearing protection you are only doing it for pleasure anyway.
I do agree with you pretty much regardless that I do see more people just sleeping around and the teen moms I see everywhere just makes me feel like I come from a different time period and my values just dont match anymore :(