Quadratic wrote...
So... I finished Phase 1, and I got my first heart point. At CS4 in Saki and Finnel, and since there's so many characters in the Ar Tonelico universe now...
I've decided to do my best to create a Cosmosphere generator. There'll be a few functions it can do:
- Create characters (not entirely, just give names to people and give them a personality)
- Create 9-stage Cosmospheres, with the ability to place up to 10 points in each one, and prioritize their order.
- Song Magic/Hyumas? I don't know, since they won't affect anything, really. Could use them as characters, though.
- Create your own stories and plots.
- Possibly battles, using the AT2 system, depending on how easily it can be implemented.
So... I'll definitely need some help gathering the resources to do this. I'll probably be programming it with Java, unless something else comes along that I can learn easily.
I could draft personality archetypes.