Klorofolun wrote...
I've been unlucky in most of my games, in that I wind up with a team that never talks to each other while faced with a team of the most co-ordinated zombies/survivors I've seen.
When I'm playing on servers with only random people who are not communicating with each other I'm mostly just adjusting my attacks to the boomer. It's important to remember that, while being blinded, you don't see any highlighted silhouettes; I had many cases where I ripped a guy off fifty or more hitpoints right next to his teammates because they were all covered, couldn't see shit and only came to help after the bile wore off. I've even had that happen to myself; tsujoi and me are the only one's alive, we're both in a corner and I'm being raped by this hunter guy without tsujoi reacting by himself, coming only to my aid after I told him to - and I don't even blame people when that happens, although I see a lot of people insulting their teammates and/or leaving when I'm doing this stuff to them. It's pretty much the infected's strongest weapon, it even works against survivors with good communication sometimes; making sweet hunter love to Mike like two meters away from his teammates because he's the only one not slimed. I could totally imagine him raging in voice because the other survivors were looking for him like crazy but just couldn't find him because of all the noise going on due to the zombie hordes and the shooting.
Long text short: Boomers can turn a single hunter / smoker into a serious threat for the survivors.