Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Tsu, you'd hate me I mostly use the PP90M1 w/ rapid fire. The first time I used that combination I fell in love. I've got multiple games when all was said and done with my KDR was 19+. I simply can't do that with any AR. The SCAR, ACR and Type 95 do their thing but, it's never that good. I think I got a 25:0 with the type 95 once.
Things that I dislike about MW3
1. The shit-tastic spawn system. I've literally spawned IN FRONT of more people than I can count. Literally, in the path of their bullets as they are shooting someone else.
2. With all the nooks and cranny's the you get lots of campers. This by far is my biggest complaint about the game.
Side Note: I want to mention how relaxing and rewarding it feels to throw a frag or a simtex at a guy camping and see their dumb ass on the kill feed.
3. Strike packages: I love the specialist strike package but, I despise the support strike package. First day of playing the game. I suffered 3 back to back bombers from the enemy team...during domination! Good luck trying to take B when there is a steady stream of bombers blasting the ever loving bejeesus out of the center of the map.
Also, Fuck the recon helicopter. Why the fuck does it have flares? It makes so little sense that every time I think about it, I have to take medication so I don't go insane and start trying to crawl inside the ear of a donkey.
Support needs to lose the bomber and the recon helicopter needs to stop stunning stunning me before I trying to harness lightning to bring to life my own frankenstein-ish jackalope.
4: The Map "Mission" is horrible balanced. the African militia side is at such a steep disadvantage when trying to push forward.
5: Assault rifle users pretty much roll over and die if someone with a SMG enters the room. I really hate how the M4A1 and M16A4 are terrible. I used the m16 in black ops until I unlocked the AUG and I used the M4 in mw2 on occasion when I wanted a change of pace.
If anybody is interested in playing on ps3 let me know. Anything would be better than some of the inbred retarded "randoms" that I get paired with. I think a lobotomized monkey on meth would be a better teammate than some of these fuckwits.
Oh don't get me wrong. I love running around with SMGs too. I run around with an MP7 with Attachments and a Silencer and Rapid Fire or an MP7 with Range and a Silencer. It is just annoying that it seems to be one of the only build types people use.
My issue is with the LMGs. They have such a diminished role. Granted their role is more realistic, support fire, but that really means they are outclassed in every single type of engagement. Their one new stint for this game, the ability to go prone and greatly increase their accuracy, is overshadowed by the amount of one-hit kill sniper rifle users out there.
I said my two cents on the spawn system. It feels like a half-assed anti-camping strategy on their part, which backfired oh so greatly. There is no excuse, and I'm assuming is based entirely on simple code, so there is no excuse for not patching it.
Campers go hand-in-hand with the shitty spawn mechanics. I don't think there are as many campers who are camping for the sake of preserving their KDR, but because they are tired of being shot in the back every time they spawn. I also believe that is the reason why everyone hunts in packs in this game. To defend each other, and limit the probability that an enemy will spawn in their direct vicinity.
I love the Support strike package. It is what I run with 75% of the time, only exception being my assault rifle class where I usually run Specialist. I do agree that the Stealth Bomber should go though. There should be no offensive packages in the Support tree, with maybe the exception of Remote Sentry and Recon Juggernaut. I totally love the Recon Drone. I always run it in my Support package. The flare isn't a big deal to me. It is much easier to shoot down with bullets than it is with missiles, so people who are shooting their launchers at it are wasting their time anyway. The flare comes in handy when I'm tagging people near a SAM turret, too.
Most of the maps suck in this game. I especially hate Interchange. I can never wrap my hand around the design of that map, and I think I always have a negative ratio on that map. It just sucks, end of story.
Yeah, the only assault rifle that really stands up to the SMGs in close quarters combat is the FAD and it is so entirely late to unlock at level 78, and maybe the M4A1. But if you are forcing yourself into close ranged engagements with the assault rifles then you are doing it wrong. It is there for mid-to-long range engagements, which is ideal for the Type 95, the M16A4 and the MK14.