Video Games and Eroge


Gamer ID's - Now with Masterlist Multipayer games are fun. From Xbox Live Gamertags to World of Warcraft character names. Any ID related to a game can be posted in here for other people to see and add. If at any time yo…


Costumes for Soulcalibur: Lost Swords Designed by Yamatogawa You heard that right. Reminds me of Powerplay and Witchcraft. He…
Majikoi A-4 It has begun. The girls: …
What is your favorite nukige? Please post your favorite nukige here and briefly explain why!
Koihime Musou Thumbnail
Koihime Musou Getchu …
DX11 re-release for Dark Souls 2 on PC How do you feel about buying the re-release again? How do you feel about From Software splitting the community with two versions of the game? How do you feel about the initial PC release…
[ Poll ] Visual Novel only kickstarter How many people here know about Kickstarter? If so I'm sure you know they do not allow 18+ content. How many people here would be interested in a Visual Novel only kickstarter, that puts all Visual No…
Settling it in smash...?! Hey Y'all I just got smash bros and I'm hooked? Are you hooked? BECAUSE I AM? DID I MENTION I'M HOOKED ON SMASH!!! I LOVE THIS GAME! AAAAH!!!!!!!!! *ahem* Soooo....…
War Thunder i really love ww2 games and this one does it for me air and tank battles and they are working on sea. i play almost daily, if anyone wants to play let me know or we can just talk about the game
[Tenko] Eiyuu*Senki Thumbnail
[Tenko] Eiyuu*Senki This game is NOT translated …
Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire New pokemon game was announced by Gamefreak today. I'll add more information as it …
[Yuzusoft] DRACU-RIOT ! Thumbnail
[Yuzusoft] DRACU-RIOT ! This game is GETTING translated …
Where do you get your eroge? I used be able to find whatever I was looking for on dlsite, but after slightly expanding my horizon I find that the site actually lacks quite the collection (At least, the English part of it) Where d…
God Eater 2 Demo is out! Just posting this here since i cant find the other GE threads. PsVita gameplay/trailer Vid: Spoiler:…
Dragon's Dogma Online PS3, PS4, PC F2P game. Trailer Combat is classic DD alright, mayb…
Five Nights at Freddy's 3 Here we goooooooooo
So in Fallout New Vegas... I appear to have fucked myself. I am stuck in Vault 13(?) with a full rad bar and with my current save I walk 10 steps and fall over dead. I might have overestimated the amount of radaways I had. Afte…
[PC] Final Fantasy 13 Steam Anyone here bought the game for their PC? If so, how has it been for you?
HuniePop: A Dating Puzzle RPG Thumbnail
[ Locked ] HuniePop: A Dating Puzzle RPG Hey Guys did you know that Former Insomniac Games programmer are making a Dating Puzzle RPG called HuniePop? Their currently doing a Kick-Starter so check …