You scan the area and find a thicket of leaves on the branch you are standing on. "Help me carry Hector to those leaves over there, we'll hide him and investigate the noise together."
"Got it," says Celia. You bring Hector towards a large thicket of leave's and hide him. You and Celia then look for a solid branch that is easily climbable. You find one not to far from Hector's position and make your way up. "These trees really are huge," says Celia. "There's a level of branches with very few leaves growing on them and then there are these branches."
"I know what you mean," you say. "Be really careful, the leaves here are thick and it wouldn't be a surprise if we got lost."
"Agreed," replies Celia.
After twenty minutes, you make your way to the very top of the trees. You look and see the sun burning brightly and it hurts your now sensitive eyes. "Shit!" you say as you close your eyes.
"I forgot," says Celia. "Living on Earth means you haven't realy seen real sunlight. We need to head back down or your Synesthesia's gonna burn your eyes out otherwise special glasses to regulate the light."
"Well this was pointless," you say. "Sorry about that Celia."
"No problem," says Celia, "Let's just head back down. You first."
As you make your way back down, you here a cawing sound. As your eyes, adjust and you look back up with the leaves now shielding your eyes from the sun, you see a silhouette of a large winged creature wrapping it's Talons around Celia before flying away. "Celia!" you scream as you decide to:
A.Boldly climb back up to the top of the trees and chase the creature down
B.Chase the creature from you current position right below the top of the trees
C.Return to Hector and and analyze actions needed to be taken as of the current situation
D.Return to Hector and just abandon Celia
Current HP: 7
Current Ally HP: 1(Hector), 10(Celia)
Equipment: Datapad(Remaining Survivors: 5; Remaining Creatures: 5; Time Until True Hunt: 70:38:33)
Weapons: None