Dammit I miss quick reply.
This did little to change his position though and he was beginning to run low on the supplies he grabbed. He called himself a fool for letting such a thing concern him. Why should he fight death’s claws any longer?
They left armed and armored the day following the attack on Stonemaw Mine. Two Sentinels, their retainers, the heir to the Cytinin Mercenaries and Officer Andrew Gaines of the Arabi Royal Army with a hundred and fifty men behind him, leaving nothing more than a token force at Frozen Shield.
...hmm. This is weird. The first part is obviously the direct continuation of the prologue. But the second is also an obvious direct continuation of the last chapter. The timeline doesn't seem to make sense here. Did Russell really hire Oren in the short span of days (which doesn't make sense as well) or this isn't chronological? There seems to be little hint of branching timelines, if any.
If not on his own then when [they] finally reached Russell.
Oh, in the following part it's finally clear that it's indeed branched. Well it's clear that you arranged it that way to withhold information until it's necessary, but it seemed quite weird on first reading. Not a problem to me lol.
There was no way it could all be for naught after more than twenty years of waiting for the right moment to strike.
Russell Blackwood liked his lips. Traitors got what they deserved. Even if it took twenty years to deliver.
Liked wut.
he was staring down a blunderbuss barrel, the man behind it his brother
Missing a period.
Whoever inhabited that ancient fort above ground had put the it into use.
Extra the.
If what he said his right . . .”
his -> was.
They sat in the council chambers the way had nearly three months ago.
Weird phrasing.
He remembered times when
Missing the, methinks.
One arc ends, begins the other. This is interesting. Post more.