d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...
I haven't checked it out, but if it's meant for all ages, then that means while adults can enjoy it, it's also made accessible for children.
I have to disagree that my prescription for writing a story only appeals to children! I do agree that my prescription for writing makes the story accessible to everyone.
As for Strange Tales, I have to translate it. Really considering setting up a thread of translated stories. Here is the original text of one of its stories. It is about a 16 year old lady who sought revenge for her father who was beaten to death for insulting some powerful landowner. (Not exactly what people would consider suitable for children these days)
故诸葛城,有商士禹者,士人也。以醉谑忤邑豪。豪嗾家奴乱æ¶ä¹‹ã€‚èˆå½’而æ»ã€‚禹二å,长曰臣,次曰礼。一女曰三官。三官年åå…,出é˜æœ‰æœŸï¼Œä»¥çˆ¶æ•…ä¸æžœã€‚两兄出讼,终å²ä¸å¾—结。婿家é£äººå‚æ¯ï¼Œè¯·ä»Žæƒæ¯•å§»äº‹ã€‚æ¯å°†è®¸ä¹‹ã€‚女进曰:“焉有父尸未寒而行å‰ç¤¼è€…ï¼Ÿå½¼ç‹¬æ— çˆ¶æ¯ä¹Žï¼Ÿ”婿家闻之,æƒè€Œæ¢ã€‚æ— ä½•ï¼Œä¸¤å…„è®¼ä¸å¾—ç›´ï¼Œè´Ÿå±ˆå½’ã€‚ä¸¾å®¶æ‚²æ„¤ã€‚å…„å¼Ÿè°‹ç•™çˆ¶å°¸ï¼Œå¼ å†è®¼ä¹‹æœ¬ã€‚三官曰:“人被æ€è€Œä¸ç†ï¼Œæ—¶äº‹å¯çŸ¥çŸ£ã€‚天将为æ±å…„弟专生一阎罗包è€è€¶ï¼Ÿéª¨éª¸æš´éœ²ï¼ŒäºŽå¿ƒä½•å¿çŸ£ã€‚”二兄æœå…¶è¨€ï¼Œä¹ƒè‘¬çˆ¶ã€‚葬已,三官夜é,ä¸çŸ¥æ‰€ä½ã€‚æ¯æƒä½œï¼ŒæƒŸæ婿家知,ä¸æ•¢å‘Šæ—党,但 嘱二åå†¥å†¥ä¾¦å¯Ÿä¹‹ã€‚å‡ åŠå¹´ï¼Œæ³ä¸å¯å¯»ã€‚ 会豪诞辰,招优为æˆã€‚优人å™æ·³ï¼ŒæºäºŒå¼Ÿå往执役。其一王æˆï¼Œå§¿å®¹å¹³ç‰ï¼Œè€ŒéŸ³è¯æ¸…彻,群赞èµç„‰ã€‚其一æŽçŽ‰ï¼Œè²ŒéŸ¶ç§€å¦‚好女。呼令 æŒï¼Œè¾žä»¥ä¸ç¨”;强之,所度曲åŠæ‚儿女俚谣,åˆåº§ä¸ºä¹‹é¼“掌。å™å¤§æƒï¼Œç™½ä¸»äººï¼š“æ¤å从å¦æœªä¹…,åªè§£è¡Œè§žè€³ã€‚幸勿罪责。”å³å‘½è¡Œé…’。 玉往æ¥ç»™å¥‰ï¼Œå–„觑主人æ„å‘。豪悦之。酒阑人散,留与åŒå¯ã€‚玉代豪拂榻解 履,殷勤周至。醉è¯ç‹Žä¹‹ï¼Œä½†æœ‰å±•ç¬‘。豪惑益甚,尽é£è¯¸ä»†åŽ»ï¼Œç‹¬ç•™çŽ‰ã€‚ 玉伺诸仆去,阖扉下楗焉。诸仆就别室饮。移时,闻厅事ä¸æ ¼æ ¼æœ‰å£°ã€‚
一仆往觇之,è§å®¤å†…冥黑,寂ä¸é—»å£°ã€‚行将旋踵,忽有å“声甚厉,如悬é‡ç‰©è€Œæ–å…¶ç´¢ã€‚äºŸé—®ä¹‹ï¼Œå¹¶æ— åº”è€…ã€‚å‘¼ä¼—æŽ’é˜–å…¥ï¼Œåˆ™ä¸»äººèº«é¦–ä¸¤æ–;玉自ç»æ»ï¼Œç»³ç»å •åœ°ä¸Šï¼Œæ¢é—´é¢ˆé™…,残 ç» ä¿¨ç„¶ã€‚ä¼—å¤§éª‡ï¼Œä¼ å‘Šå†…é—¼ï¼Œç¾¤é›†èŽ«è§£ã€‚ä¼—ç§»çŽ‰å°¸äºŽåºï¼Œè§‰å…¶è¢œå±¥è™šè‹¥ æ— è¶³ï¼›è§£ä¹‹ï¼Œåˆ™ç´ èˆ„å¦‚é’©ï¼Œç›–å¥³å也。益骇。呼å™æ·³è¯˜ä¹‹ã€‚淳骇æžï¼Œä¸çŸ¥æ‰€å¯¹ã€‚但云:“玉月å‰æŠ•ä½œå¼Ÿå,愿从寿主人,实ä¸çŸ¥ä»Žæ¥ã€‚”以其æœå‡¶ï¼Œç–‘是商家刺客。暂以二人逻守之。女貌如生:抚之,肢体温。二人窃谋淫之。一人抱尸转侧,方将缓其结æŸï¼Œå¿½è„‘如物击,å£è¡€æš´æ³¨ï¼Œé¡·åˆ»å·²æ»ã€‚其一大惊,告众。众敬若神明焉。且以告郡。郡官问臣åŠç¤¼ï¼Œå¹¶è¨€ï¼š“ä¸çŸ¥ã€‚但妹亡去,已åŠè½½çŸ£ã€‚”俾往验视,果三官。官奇之,判二兄领葬, 敕豪家勿仇。
Arguing can be amusing, but most of the fun usually comes from brainwashing your opponent into adopting your views.
Please don't let that happen to you. It isn't fun for me to see you brainwashed. It is however fun for me to counter-argue the points you made in defence of your story. For me the fun ends if you accepted my arguments.
Really? I don't remember that. I guess it has been eight years since I read it though. However, spoiling the story isn't always a bad thing. You may or may not remember me mentioning my love for the anime Baccano in which the first episode pretty much shows you how every major plot thread will end. I already know this guy's gonna end up in the middle of nowhere missing an arm and surrounded by cops. Now how the hell does it happen!?
That can be my suggestion on how your story ought to begin in a nutshell. Here is the prologue to Romeo and Juliet:
Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their death bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
This prologue explains everything! It is really a synopsis or a summary of sorts. When I suggest that a prologue should explain things, I am often misunderstood. Some claimed that my prescription of what a prologue should be would result in the writer having to write pages and pages of boring exposition. Not really so as the prologue above shows.
For me, a simple description of the gang Garm works for and what it does would suffice. Modern literature shies away from that it seems.
I do say something early on that hints at the outcome of the story in the draft I sent you a link to but nothing detailed.
Hopefully I will get to read it.
I agree. Game of Thrones is awesome.
Ugh. I know you are somewhat annoyed that I don't share your opinion about that book. Look at it this way, at least you can come up with a thread called "d(^_^)(^_^)d HATES THE LORD OF THE RINGS PROLOGUE" as payback for my rather disparaging review of the prologue of Game of Thrones.