User Posts

To be honest, I never felt any kind of attachment to CTFG threads nowadays. I don't even know what's the appeal of this CTFG culture. Maybe because I rarely showed up on the forums, but I don't understand what kind of enjoyment you get from role playing, doing *actions* like *glomp*, and making friends(if you want to call them so) from simply doing those kind of interactions. And I can never get the idea of multiple chat threads, looking at the current CTFG it's like everyone needs to have his own thread, much like a house for every person. Is it for exclusivity, or what? I don't get the point. All I wanted was to chat and play games.

I used to hang out in RS for a short while before they moved out (I still feel guilty for not remembering their URL ;_;) then Kazenoken's first Chat Thread, and then the early Cafe. I met some nice users there like Kaze, K-A, mibu and Rin. They were some good fellows, and we could have nice discussions or just fooling around with ಠ_ಠ emoticons and everyone would get along. It was so simple yet fun.

Then I was off for quite a while, and when I got back everything changed. New people, dramas happened, users marrying, inside jokes and circlejerking everywhere. I was not a big fan of drama or role playing and stuffs like hugs or glomps, so I couldn't really blend in because all I wanted was lighthearted chats, some music recommendations, funny image/video to share, or quality discussions once in a blue moon, the way old CT used to roll. Now various groups of users started making their own cliques, separating themselves from non-frequent CTFG users and having their own 'fantasy worlds' with their husband or servants or whatever. When people I cared about started to leave, I started to care less. Shit's getting more random than IB.
chaosbreak wrote...
somesome wrote...
chaosbreak wrote...
somesome wrote...
chaosbreak wrote...
anyone understood what they were talking about regarding the
transferring 'energy' to the past/future when aoko was using the fifth magic?

IIRC Aoko used the Fifth Magic to draw energy from past and future/timelines/whateverthefuckit'scalled to go Super Saiyan and revert Soujuurou. Simply put, she got a magic remote that can fast-forward herself to a time where she's in her peak performance and reversed Soujuurou back. Which is contradicting her lines in MB about the Fifth being just a time travel magic plus the permanent red hair issue, but I could be missing some explanation.[spoil]

[spoil]she activated the fifth magic only because she wanted to revive soujyuurou. there was an implied reluctance on aoko's part to use the fifth magic (the exact reason i am not sure). she took 10 years from soujyuurou and added to herself in order to be able to contend with touko. then there was some implied time-energy equivalence-shit about soujyuurou's 5 minutes. aoko said she left it in the future, and when the time comes she would throw it back to the past, much to touko's rage. then there was shit about the screwup in energy balance leading to the universe's 熱的死. so wtf?


What I got from Fifth Magic's property

is basically if Aoko use it she will screw up the balance of mass(or did they mean energy? It's pretty weird if you use the word mass in this context.) of the world in the future, hence her hesitation. Why I rather use the word energy is because when I was thinking of what the fuck 熱的死 actually means the law of thermodynamics popped up in my mind and, if I understand correctly, the usage of Fifth Magic will mess up the future's universe's equilibrium and afterwards will cause this 熱的死.


was that line in mahoyo?

i guess throwing energy to the past or the future increases the average density of the universe at that time, leading to a closed universe -> heat death

No, it's something I got from a speculah thread in livedoor, ohohoho. Its credibility is unknown since I don't even remember where it got quoted from. Googled it and BL link came in the first result, so I guess it's somehow trustworthy.

I guess I need to replay it and save the text for further examination.
chaosbreak wrote...
somesome wrote...
chaosbreak wrote...
anyone understood what they were talking about regarding the
transferring 'energy' to the past/future when aoko was using the fifth magic?

IIRC Aoko used the Fifth Magic to draw energy from past and future/timelines/whateverthefuckit'scalled to go Super Saiyan and revert Soujuurou. Simply put, she got a magic remote that can fast-forward herself to a time where she's in her peak performance and reversed Soujuurou back. Which is contradicting her lines in MB about the Fifth being just a time travel magic plus the permanent red hair issue, but I could be missing some explanation.[spoil]

[spoil]she activated the fifth magic only because she wanted to revive soujyuurou. there was an implied reluctance on aoko's part to use the fifth magic (the exact reason i am not sure). she took 10 years from soujyuurou and added to herself in order to be able to contend with touko. then there was some implied time-energy equivalence-shit about soujyuurou's 5 minutes. aoko said she left it in the future, and when the time comes she would throw it back to the past, much to touko's rage. then there was shit about the screwup in energy balance leading to the universe's 熱的死. so wtf?


What I got from Fifth Magic's property

is basically if Aoko use it she will screw up the balance of mass(or did they mean energy? It's pretty weird if you use the word mass in this context.) of the world in the future, hence her hesitation. Why I rather use the word energy is because when I was thinking of what the fuck 熱的死 actually means the law of thermodynamics popped up in my mind and, if I understand correctly, the usage of Fifth Magic will mess up the future's universe's equilibrium and afterwards will cause this 熱的死.

chaosbreak wrote...
anyone understood what they were talking about regarding the
transferring 'energy' to the past/future when aoko was using the fifth magic?

[spoil]IIRC Aoko used the Fifth Magic to draw energy from past and future/timelines/whateverthefuckit'scalled to go Super Saiyan and revert Soujuurou. Simply put, she got a magic remote that can fast-forward herself to a time where she's in her peak performance and reversed Soujuurou back. Which is contradicting her lines in MB about the Fifth being just a time travel magic plus the permanent red hair issue, but I could be missing some explanation.[spoil]

basic requirements blabla
Kaimax wrote...
somesome wrote...
The English patch for the demo has been out for a while yet no discussions, comments or anything? I guess TM fans nowadays only care/know about the Fate franchise ;_;.

Nope I'm just waiting for the full game.

I was bored since I already finished watching/ playing everything I've downloaded so I gave in to the temptation. I can't be the only one who's playing the demo. There must be someone else that couldn't resist playing it, right?

.... right?

Fuck, might as well play it again to watch the glorious OP while waiting for Wonfes stream. Need something to calm my heart before the jelly storm.
The English patch for the demo has been out for a while yet no discussions, comments or anything? I guess TM fans nowadays only care/know about the Fate franchise ;_;.

This game is beautiful. Nothing really happened beyond world introduction besides the part where Alice demonstrated her magic, but that can be expected since this is only an introductory chapter. Not much can be known so far about the enemies either since we only saw the minions, except for one of their abilities (heart attack mystic eyes, pfft).
The everyday part featuring Soujuurou is my favorite, the lighthearted feelings combined with beautiful music made me feel warm inside. I might love the SoL part more than the main story, and I can't wait to see more side characters beside Kujika and their interactions with the main casts. Aoko is still the mischievous easygoing person we know and love. That sweater tits, goddamn.
The demo made me want to know more. Is this the same Misaki city that was in Tsukihime? Can't wait until April to play the full game. And the beautiful music and scenery porn, it's like Aria all over again, fuck. Aoko's tits are the miracle of the universe.
Can't believe I won. I just casually refreshed the thread with my phone while eating breakfast at the hotel and suddenly, first page. Kudos to Singapore for having a fast mobile internet service.
Merry Christmas guys.
Marrying Saber (Fate/Stay Night).
Hentanize wrote...
y u wait last day

Forum Image:

Because I'm a sadist and the thought of getting your hopes up then crush it to tiny bits at the very last minute gives me a raging boner.

And I was too busy playing Mahoyo demo, working on my thesis, and having 2 jobs so I didn't have enough free time to post.
Back in grade school Doraemon, Sailor Moon, and DBZ were everyone's childhood, I never got bullied because of it. I had good grades and was pretty good with video games, so I often studied together or played games with the boys.

In middle school I became an antisocial. Used to smoke alone while listening to my CD player behind the school. The 'cool kids' found my hideout, listened to my playlist, and said I had pretty good taste. Introduced them to The Cure, RHCP, Jamiroquai, Radiohead, STP and more. We became bros afterwards. They knew I'm an otaku, didn't really give a fuck, they only teased me sometimes. Girls made fun of me though, called me a junkie, loser etc, I didn't give a fuck.

Moved to a different high school, friend count reset to 0. I found cooking as a hobby, got ridiculed and called gay by the girls.
Got myself new friends from playing basketball on school breaks. DOTA was all the rage that time, so the ten of us often chilled out in the net cafe.

Now at uni, still keeping in touch with some high school bros and a few old friends from middle school. Facebook friend list is the new e-penis. People said I have no life for watching cartoons and not having 200 friends on my FB. What the fuck.
Right now I'm working my ass off to buy figures and shit,everyone knows but no one cares except my parents. One day my bros introduced me to some important people who work in a EO company, now I can get free concert tickets once in a while, making people jelly everytime.

Bitches still calling me a loser yet they're always wondering why the jocks and cool boys are hanging out with that same loser. Feels good man.
Saber(Fate/Stay Night)
Monster Girl
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