devvah wrote...
But others, do you really don't have that kind of money or are you so accustomed to buying garbage that you don't notice how much money you're actually spending?
Think how much of these you bought last month: cigarettes, alcohol, sweets, fast food, coffee, games that you will never play in your life, etc.
See how quickly this adds up? Are you sure that you still can't afford books/subscription?
It's not just about having or not having money, its about getting value for the money you spend.
A $14 monthly subscription is not at all comparable to a game. I buy a game on GoG/Steam/Origin and I have it there until some serious societal problems occur. I can replay it any time I desire, plus they often go on sale, so its pretty cool.
I buy a book, same thing. I can read it any time I want, however often I want.
Not so with Fakkusub. If I want to reread my favorite hentai I'll have to shell out $14 every month. You know what that sounds like? Sounds like a bad investment.
If it comes down to spending $14 for a month sub or a $100 figure, I'd go for the figure.
Hell I just blew like $300 on pillow covers that I don't even use. It's more value than a subscription.