high_time wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Lack of front page advertisement?
but for most reasons I think it's because we're basically lazy at doing things xD
Well, other than the usual writers of the writing forum (who are lazy); we usually start seeing some people who don't posting up contest entries. And it keeps piling up overtime. That's one of the effects of the front page.
But then again, when you don't give a crap about the amount of entries as long as there's like... 10-30 of them, and wait out for the people of writing forum posting entries - you'd rather not see people posting their half-assed stories. Because a lot of the writers that pops due to front page advertising writes such stories... maybe 'half-assed' isn't the right way to put it. It's more like they just lack skills and try it out for the sake of participating and wanting the prizes. In amidst these people, we find really great writers joining in the fray.
At least that's what I think happened in the previous contests.