Don't know what others think, but I hope at least the story can continue. If they want a proper romance story, a apocalyptic setting or a psychological thriller, the sick bay is the place to do it!
I personally think that Shiro is under attack by the dream monster.
PS: Yes, I am going to harp about the relay writing thread.
just read a short story by Italo Calvino called The Dinosaur - inside the novel called Cosmicomics, man I never ever been so moved by a novel before...I felt yeah, there's so much emotion and meaning compiled in one story, and in many collection of stories...damn....
It really inspired me to write a science fiction story, but still haven't managed to do so . The stories had perfectly blended the depth of science with a profound philosophy, and in one more aspect, the most important - it's able to deliver a really touching story =D
I don't think this is the ones whose quality could be judged by a mere excerpt, based on the reviews it needs to be read fully, at least one story in its completion, in order to understand it~
well it can always continue, but it really needs a coherence within each posts. I think people should start to give and take suggestions on what the next post will be instead of just merely saying 'this is so batshit insane and oh @#%@#%@ I can't think of anything'
that aside this is a collaboration, right? maybe we could start by discussing the plot and all the other elements together, and continue the story based on the general suggestion. that way it'll be much easier than deciding everything by ourselves alone =D
We have floated a few ideas perhaps we can continue on that vein of collaboration.
d: I don't think what you and I have done are actual reboots isn't it? We both thought that saying it was 'all a dream' quite funny. The conclusion of all of that must be, our hero faces high chances of being locked up in a mental institution!
I will take back what I say about a reboot. I am just being very grumpy that I can't have my fun and write nonsense of Xenon's thread. You see, I was mistaken in thinking that rebooting the entire thing would perhaps make this thread more appealing!
I think I should troll the Eden Voice Acting Club now with that recording. What they need now are poorly enunciated words. I can't make out what I am saying!