xninebreaker wrote...
Well, this post hits a lot of point that you two were talking about. But, honestly, yeah, grammar errors shouldn't be the single thing that a judge focuses on, which I'm sure they don't, but it's important that if a writer is able to improve on it, then he/she should. If a writer cares as much about the meaning of their writing as much I look forward to understanding their story/meaning, then they should be able to put the effort in to improve.
It's none of me and your business actually, it's up to the writer himself on how he wants to improve~
Rather than three all-rounders, I do agree that there should be specializations. That means that each person can provide more insight and thought into what they specialize in. It's the same reason why a a person in a basketball team focuses on being a center, or a point-guard. Or, in a League of Legends team, a person focuses on playing support, or ad carry, etc. I mean, the examples are endless; specialization is generally a good thing.
Insight eh. Though we must take note that not all people would be available in order to fulfill certain specializations, and I think the overall quality of judging doesn't merely decided by their level of specialized ability . We all have our fields of interest and style of judging and reviewing, why not use 'interest' rather than 'expertise' instead?
And, if everyone is at the same level of writing, then there would be little to no improvement =/. Everyone's work will just be good, and nothing would be great. I think there should be a range of level differences. Maybe have a person at an 'average' level of writing since sometimes, a person can understand the story better if they are at the same level. But also have a person with a 'higher' level of writing to help in improvement.
I'm not saying similar to the same, I mean similar as the judges can understand each other. They could write different genres but has achieved similar mastery, but that's not what mostly important I guess~
Surely you didn't forget to add 'Reading Comprehension' towards the roster?
And, I'm sure not every judge is super stiff. They might be good writers, but I'm sure those who judge have their own personalities. Having someone like Xenon, who I view as flexible and connects with the community, and having someone like CoffeePrince, who I view as stiff, but a very strong critic, can be beneficial. Like you said, the wider range of personalities, the closer you get to objectivity/a larger range of views to discuss.
I have no comments to that~