Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …
RZ Commissions hello all. this my first post on this site ! woohoo
what i need to know is how can I commission something to get translated. I NEED to have KANSHO by Kira Hiroyoshi tranlated. Haven't bee…
[Manga] Fate Stay Night - Claim So once again I'm putting something out for you guys despite needing my sleep desperately for a long day tomorrow. But this doujin is just too awesome to keep from you all, especially since the spotl…
[ Poll ] Giri Giri Sisters Opinion? Im not sure if im double posting this topic or not but if I am sorry bout that but im after peoples opinion of Kisaragi Gunma's Giri Giri Sisters series? What do you guys think about it? Do you like t…
[ Poll ] Lesbian hentai For some reason I can't stand normal doujins, I prefer mostly lesbian
doujins. Is anyone else like this?
Know any good doujins in this catagory?
HATE HATE HATE I hate the world and everything in it(in a good way though)tell me what you hate and lets all hate together(non emo ppl invited)
Ps- im not emo i just dont like alot of things :D.
>__> I went to Wal-Mart as usual to buy mah soda since it's el-cheapo, Target's like almost 2 bucks more for my soda.
And I was pushing my cart and there's this lady on the right-hand side, and I'm l…
Should a 16 year old have abs like this? So I did a search for girls with really great abs and I came across this, and all I can say is wow.. just wow. Let the countdown to Jan. 19, 2010 begin!
Getting Kicked In The Face I just want to know does it happen often?
I mean Ive been kicked in the face several times in my life and I want to know if Im the only one. If I am that would make me sad.
Redhead fetish Hey, there was this manga on Fakku with THE hottest redhead...it was my favorite but now I can't find it. I was hoping people could post links of their favorite redhead manga and hopefully I'd find mi…
Holy Sweaty Monkey Balls, this guy is really off his tits. Ok, so like I do every friday, I read the Answerman column and you will not believe the Flake of the Week. Just read:
What an utter delight it was to discover this sparkling gem in the An…
[P-Forest] Intermission If Code (ANY) English? I was wondering if anyone knew where i could find ant english Intermission If Code because i love Super Robot Wars and it uses characters from that any help will be well appricated.
[ Locked ] The chat thread 1.1 (see first page) well since the main database has been lost this thread has also been lost so im gonna revive it again and same rule like before
so anyone here?
Edit: all IC members tell me wha…