Incoherent Babbling


Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …
RZ Commissions hello all. this my first post on this site ! woohoo what i need to know is how can I commission something to get translated. I NEED to have KANSHO by Kira Hiroyoshi tranlated. Haven't bee…


Shoujo Material New Shoujo Material Translated in English. No idea who did the translations though. Torrent…
Hentai Doujin Collection(bleach,naruto,one piece,king fightr for bleach for naruto for one piece http://hentai…
Muchi Muchi Angel Vol. 07+ The Eva girls are picking on Shinji again. Extra stuff included from the original vol. 7 with slightly different colors and in English…
IT'S TIME FOR A GOOD JOKE!! y'all, I've been thinking of making this kind of thread lately... your goal is simple, you must plotted a good joke one to another, and it's correlating and corresponding to each others joke, …
GUESS WHO! Can ya guess who she is? Can u? …
Adult Nel Tu Doujins Finally the First Two ADULT NEL doujins. [Heta No Yoko Zuki] Nel …
Any car buffs? Well, this is a site full of males, maybe some of you know about cars. I'm looking to buy this car:…
Yellow Pop Chapter 2 Thumbnail
Yellow Pop Chapter 2 Due to high demand and ppl not havin a damn clue how to use Google I give to you all…
Polinic Girls Attack Good show.for now there seems to be 2 episodes. Now for those people that have been checking Fakku for this past few month there was a Hentai Manga Release that was titled Little Wife.…
Tail Chaser Chapters 1~12 Thumbnail
Tail Chaser Chapters 1~12 Another doujin for my loyal fans. Enjoy it.…
Time for some good old stand up commedy Time for you guys to see some old Eddie Murphy Stand up commedy. Watch first one to understand one small part of the second one. …
(Word Games) In My Pants mikey is not around to restart this so i will rules none really type anything you want sa long as it ends with in my pants
Alone, and loveless. Alone that’s what I am, as I wander these streets full of couples. It makes me sick, why are they so happy? Why can’t I feel this way? Why can’t I find someone? Its questions like these that I ponder.
avatar request can someone make me an avatar using this? or this the second one is a video file
[Naruto] Big Breast Ninja Found this online but didn't see it on Fakku so i decided to upload it. Its my favorite Naruto hentai manga. The DL Link is under the Img. Enjoy. …
Tayu Tayu Ch 8+9 (Yamatogawa) Thumbnail
Tayu Tayu Ch 8+9 (Yamatogawa) Just got them from a friend: The other chapters are already on Fakku! Enjoy ;)