Incoherent Babbling


Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …
RZ Commissions hello all. this my first post on this site ! woohoo what i need to know is how can I commission something to get translated. I NEED to have KANSHO by Kira Hiroyoshi tranlated. Haven't bee…


Little Mermaid Little Mermaid A L…
What is this some sort of..... CHRISTIAN MAGIC!
Haruhi Suzumiya AMV don't know if u guys seen it yet but it's gotta to be one of my fav amv of Haruhi series just recently finished Haruhi series, it's pretty fun actually, very funny storyline…
Florida here I come!!! Saturday morning me and my family are driving to FL. Sarasota to be more specific. We'll stay there for 10 days..... anyone down to chill?
Enough I won't run away anymore. I'm stronger now.
Well, it's finally happening At the end of next month I'll be going back to San Diego, after a long unintended stay in Sacramento. I decided to put this in IB cause it's technically not all that important but I had to tell …
To you Fakkuers I'll be taking a flight to Phoenix in about 2 hours (and I'll be staying there for about 15 days) so I'm giving you something to make up for this huge loss:…
[ Locked ] Girls are for fucking...... ...... :| See, I have these "mood swings". One day I feel like being an asshole, the enxt I feel like being nice, then I feel like being indifferent about everything. And today I feel like…
750 MB of FSN Doujins I released this last Christmas but i bet some of you missed out. Notice how your not taken to a mega upload page 8) PW:…
Shoujo Material Thumbnail
Shoujo Material Ok, we need a translation of this: "Shuojo Material" by Hanaharu Naruko was released on the 30t…
How to explain Fakku is the best Hentai Forum to a friend. Scenario: A friend ask a question to you about which website have the best hentai forum Objective: You must be able to answer to him/her about Fakku and give reasons for it wh…
Anyone lookin for a Editor Im lookin for a person who can translate japanese. Im willing to put it in the doujins. Drop a line if you are interested or know someone that is interested.
Historys Strongest Disciple Kenichi Hentai Mangas Historys Strongest Disciple Kenichi Hentai Mangas …
Okhura Bekkan collection Mediafire Folder Doko ni Kiss …
[ Locked ] I bet you're all guys... ....and I bet the majority of yous are in High School. Or some sick 40 year old pervs.... groooooss!!!!
Viva la Vida Kingdom Hearts Final Tell Me what you think of this AMV I made.
Slaid's Hentai manga/doujin thread Hello there, From now on I will post most of my doujins/h-mangas here. Have fun with the first: [DISTANCE] Shichau Pages: 190 Genr…