Incoherent Babbling


Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …
RZ Commissions hello all. this my first post on this site ! woohoo what i need to know is how can I commission something to get translated. I NEED to have KANSHO by Kira Hiroyoshi tranlated. Haven't bee…


Hentai Christmas! It's Hentai Christmas Eve, fellow Fakkulytes, the day before Comic Market 85's Day Three when a torrent of new ero doujin gets released into the wild. What releases are you most looking forward to?…
new hentais to upload.. maybe. Thumbnail
new hentais to upload.. maybe. i've got a little collection of detective conan hentai on mah computer. well, the title of the series is Sangyou Haikibutsu, they aren't on fakku yet, just 1-4. maybe some1 can upload them…
my dog puked on the floor Thats it., he just puked
ugh im so mad so ive been a member of fakku for like 5 years, and i made this account to play the waifu game................ this is legit the 3rd year i haven't gottent to play because of lack of posts :[ he…
[ Poll ] Which Picture is the Hottest? Which one of these picture is the hottest? 1. …
Usual Tags What are some tags you like together that are not usually seen together? For example mine is incest & anal
Rascal's Most Twisted/Rage Quitting Uploads of 2013 Since I'm known to be the one who purposely goes after the netorare/cheating/hardcore rape stories, it's about time I decided to look back at this year and pick, in my opinion, the most delicious of t…
ITT: Best girl in their respective games Title. Jurifags, pls go. Spoiler:…
Ho' gets trolled hard bitch got trolled hard as fuck (skip to 12:30 for the hilarious part):
[ Locked ] Need some help translating Chinese text for a MOD for AC! Hey everyone,Just thought i should try here as well. I am trying to install a mod for Artificial academy but its instrunctions are in chinese and google just translates some words and leaves the rest …
I'll be gay?(Yaoi) I like yaoi traps, I'll be gay? I'm starting to get interested in crossdressers and shemales, femboys and others ..
If you could sleep with any1 who would it be? I would sleep with dis guy …
Well Then *fap fap fap*
My cat is weird He likes to take pieces of paper or clothes and rub them against his head with his paws.
[ Locked ] My Idol Relive the Magic.
2014 is actually the most awesome year after all - China and Japan duke it out in naval warfare just to conquer.... A small island? ( I need more research, why the Chinese is trying to declare war on Japan ) - GODZILLA and ROBOCOP The r…
because of this I came back to fakku if I'm gonna see something so silly at least it should be on m…
Anime Recommendations.. Anyone? Thumbnail
Anime Recommendations.. Anyone? Man!! I don't know what to watch anymore!!! (~_~;) I need more ANIME but I DON'T KNOW what to watch.. Help me!! , (>人<;)